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Författare Ämne: Your ancestors in Swedish colonies around the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea?  (läst 770 gånger)

2003-04-06, 11:57
läst 770 gånger

Pekka A.E. Husgafvel

Have You got ancient relatives in Finland, Carelia, Livonia, Estonia, or do You have any information about middleage knights and varriors (svenar, väpnare, armiger, junker etc.) who have lived or affected in these colonies?  
Three finnish Family Associations (Pihlhjerta, Brandstake and Husgafvel -Seura) have collected historical facts from the old documents and  published a book Vehkalahden Knaapit. There are plans to publish it also in swedish and maybe in english later. Few copies available in Suomen Sukututkimusseura (The Finnish Family Research Association)
So take Your time and study the interesting Swedish colonial history from 13th century until the year 1808 from the history books. Your ancestors may have been a part of it.
There are very interesting heraldical studies and research work about some of those families and their coats of arms in the link
(Unfortunately in swedish only at the moment)
På svenska => Se rubrik under Gotland: KNAPAR i Karelen.

2006-02-14, 23:54
Svar #1


My name is Elizabeth Brandstake. I would like to be apart of the Finnish Family association.  Please send me information about that.  I live in  
Ashtabula, Ohio in the U.S. I am interested in my family heritage in Finland or Sweden.

2006-02-15, 09:56
Svar #2

Utloggad Elisabeth Thorsell

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Elizabeth, check out the web site of the Genealogical Association of Finland, at    You may probably find a link there to the Finnish Family Association.

2006-02-15, 15:38
Svar #3

Kirsti Ervola

The three families Pihlhjerta, Husgafvel and Brandstaka have each a family society of their own, as mentioned i the comment of Pekka A.E.Husgafvel. The chairman of the Brandstaka / Tulikoura Sukuseura ry. is Jorma Tulikoura, address: Kirkkojärventie 7 B 2, 49400 Hamina, Finland. Contact him for further information on the society.
With best wishes,

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