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Författare Ämne: Vårö and Veddige parishes in Halland  (läst 579 gånger)

2004-12-01, 15:38
läst 579 gånger

Gary Johnson

Does anyone know the history of Vårö and Veddige
parishes in Halland län?

2004-12-02, 18:22
Svar #1

Utloggad Anita Hjorth

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Gary, I think you mean Värö and Veddige, two small parishes about an hour´s drive south of Gothenburg. But what do you want to know about them?

2004-12-03, 14:48
Svar #2

Utloggad Lennart Haglund

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Hello Gary,
Our fine länsmuseum/county museum, situated in the old fortress, might have what you ask for.   Try '' and ask for  literature and even addresses to homestead societies in V&V.
Best regards! /Lennart Haglund, Varberg

2004-12-03, 15:58
Svar #3

Utloggad Lennart Haglund

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Hello Gary - once again,
I found an e-mail address for Värö-Stråvalla hembygdsförening/homestead society:
'' and I?m sure you are welcome there! /Lennart Haglund

2004-12-06, 18:02
Svar #4

Gary Johnson

Thanks to all who responded.  I am looking for general information about these parishes, such as
what is it like to live there.  What is the origin of the names of the parishes.  Why are many of the farms named after people,like Oluf
Tolfsgård? Are these parishes close to each other?

2004-12-06, 22:05
Svar #5

Utloggad Lars Edmark

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On the map below you find both Värö and Veddige.


2004-12-07, 17:52
Svar #6

Gary Johnson

Lars, thanks for the map. Putting these places in their geographic locations helped alot.

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