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Författare Ämne: Swedish Occupation Explanations  (läst 570 gånger)

2006-09-03, 07:30
läst 570 gånger

Candace Roberts

I am looking for an explanation of what a Chief Crown Forester was. This was in regards to an description of one of my ancesters. He also was  a Colonel. Also if someone could explain the roll of a District Judge? This was shown for several ancestors. I would like to understand what these were and how they came to have these positions.
I appreciate any help.

2006-09-03, 09:46
Svar #1

Bo Johansson

Do you know what the titles were in Swedish?
Perhaps Chief Crown Forester is kronojägmästare = some kind of crown forest manager.
And perhaps District Judge is Häradsdomare = honorary title for the oldest member of the district court (häradsrätt).
// Bo Johansson

2006-09-04, 06:28
Svar #2

Candace Roberts

Not sure what the Swedish name of these titles was. The Chief Crown Forester in this instance was for Carl Hard of Segerstad born 26 Feb 1591 in Reftele, Smaland.He died 21 Sept 1653 in Brandstorp, Vastergotland.
The district judge was regarding Mickel Arvidsson Uggla, who died 6 May 1620 in Valstad, Vastergotland. There are also 4 or 5 other ancestors who carried this title. Some of these also had military titles, such as commander or colonel.
Appreciate your help.

2006-09-04, 06:30
Svar #3

Candace Roberts

Not sure what the Swedish name of these titles was. The Chief Crown Forester in this instance was for Carl Hard of Segerstad born 26 Feb 1591 in Reftele, Smaland.He died 21 Sept 1653 in Brandstorp, Vastergotland.
The district judge was regarding Mickel Arvidsson Uggla, who died 6 May 1620 in Valstad, Vastergotland. There are also 4 or 5 other ancestors who carried this title. Some of these also had military titles, such as commander or colonel.
Appreciate your help.

2009-12-11, 13:39
Svar #4

Utloggad Björn Eriksson

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  • Antal inlägg: 45
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-10-27, 11:05
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The Chief Crown Forester = riksjägmästare

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