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Författare Ämne: Sundsvall, Sweden Parish Records ÖSTERBERG  (läst 1459 gånger)

2000-07-26, 04:37
läst 1459 gånger

Donald E. Swanson

I read that Russia burned the city of Sundsvall in the early 1800's and that there were also catastrophic fires in about 1888.  Does anyone know if the Parish records survived?  I am looking for ancestry information regarding Erik ÖSTERBERG who was born in 1814 (Norwegian census records show Sundsvall).  I find only two records of birth for that surname for that year on the LDS site.  Any help greatly appreciated!

2000-07-26, 23:38
Svar #1

Carina Sunesson

Hi, I checked the census of 1890, but he seems to
have passed away or moved at that time.
There are several Österberg in Sundsvall in 1890,
possible relatives or children:
Karolina Österberg Johand. f. 1856, Sundsvall
Math. Helena Österberg f. 1858, Sundsvall
Adam Österberg f. 1842, Åkare, Sundsvall
Adolf Wilhelm Österberg f. 1852, Jernhandl., Sundsvall
Brita Österberg Johansd. f. 1844, Piga, Sundsvall
Maria Kristina Österberg f. 1855, Sömmerska, Sundsvall
Maria Amalia Österberg f. 1839, piga, Sundsvall
Adam Österberg f. 1835, Arb., Sundsvall
The census of 1890 is available on the net for
free :
Sundsvall is located in Västernorrland ( see links , census on mircrofiche is also available.

2000-07-27, 03:10
Svar #2

Chris Troy

The 1890 census is now also available in English on this URL:  
You could also try contacting SVAR - the Swedish National Archives - on this URL:
Sorry, this one is in Swedish only, as far as I can see.  It does say that much of the archived material was destroyed in the fire in 1888 but there still seems to be quite a lot of information listed for Sundsvall.
Good luck with the search,
Chris Troy

2000-07-31, 08:43
Svar #3

Utloggad Jörgen Blästa

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All the birth, marriage & death records prior to 1860 for Sundsvall was destroyed in the fire of 1888. There are though husförhörslängder which goes back to 1803.

2000-08-01, 01:36
Svar #4

Donald E. Swanson

Hello All:
Thank you all for the comments regarding the destroyed Parish records of the 1888 fire in Sundsvall.  The Erik Österberg I am searching for should have been born about 1814 according to the 1865 and 1875 census records for Trondheim, Norway.
It appears that the clerical surveys may one method to find the ancestry of Erik Österberg.  I was told that some of that information is available for the years 1714-1813 and from 1835-1866 according to the LDS catalog.  I may not find Erik listed due to the 1814 birth date but perhaps he is still in Sundsvall to about 1835 or about age 21?  I hope that he is so I might make the family connections.
I was also told that the tax records might help (1630 to 1860) but that these would be quite a challenge to research!
I may wait until this winter to use the methods above to do research through the LDS.
This may not be the correct forum, but is Österberg considered a common Swedish name?

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