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Författare Ämne: Sofia Gustavsdotter( vasa) and her husband Duke Magnus II av Saxon-lauenburg  (läst 833 gånger)

2005-10-14, 15:24
läst 833 gånger

Maxine Morrison

Are there any paintings of Princess Sofia Gustavsdotter ( Vasa) and her husband Magnus II av Sauchen-Lauenburg?
Princess Sofia was daughter to King Gustav Vasa I.
I have wanted to see a picture of her and or her husband because she is related to me and It has been on my mind so much that it has become a top quest with me.
Also, is there a picture of where she is buried . I think it is in a church in Sweden.?

2005-10-21, 00:22
Svar #1

Utloggad Timmy Brolin

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 148
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-11-09, 18:56
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This document indicates that a painting of her was recently on display at a museum in Sweden.
Sorry I can't find an online copy of the painting itself.

2005-10-21, 21:55
Svar #2

Karin Bergström (Athen)

I have tried to help a person in the US before with this matter, so I will tell you what I know.
There is a painting at the National Museum which earlier was believed to be Sofia Vasa.(See attached file.)
However, according to the museum,there is no proof at all that this is Sofia.The painting is simply called unknown woman, called Sofia...etc
There is no painting of her husband either in Sweden.
According to history, she was buried in Strängnäs Domkyrka, but there is no grave or anything that indicates that she is resting there.
I give you a file with some pictures from that church.And another one where you can see different parts of the interior.
With the very best regards,

2005-10-22, 12:04
Svar #3

Utloggad Timmy Brolin

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 148
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-11-09, 18:56
    • Visa profil
Karin: Do you think the document from livrustkammaren is reffering to the painting of the unknown woman?
The description the dress looks as stiff as armour certainly fits. But if the woman in the painting is unknown, why are livrustkammaren calling her Princess Sofia Vasa?

2005-10-22, 12:44
Svar #4

Karin Bergström (Athen)

I think they are refering to this painting,but I am not sure and I don?t know why.
As far as I understand from the information I had from the National museum, this painting was referred to as Sofia in elder catalogues,but nowaydays they have found out that it does not fit in with that actual period of time.
This painting can also be found in Herman Lindqvist?s book  The history of Sweden,Gustav Vasa and his sons and daughters(translation of the Swedish title),Stockholm 1993,on page 471.
The author says that the woman on the painting has been pointed out as different women, but nowadays(1993)it is most probably Sofia Vasa.
I have recently been in contact with the museum, so I suppose they have changed their opinion about the painting.
Best regards,

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