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Författare Ämne: Nil Lillieroot aka Nils Eosander Descendents  (läst 650 gånger)

2005-12-31, 15:13
läst 650 gånger

Len Johnson

Nils Eosander, an important Swedish diplomat, was first raised to the nobility as Baron Lillieroot and then to Count status.  He was born April 25, 1635 in Åsbo, Linköping and died on April 15, 1733 in Stockholm.  He was married on September 05, 1692 to Eva Sophia Olivecrantz, born April 1670 and died April 15, 1733 in Stockholm.
There is an oral tradition in my family that suggests Lillieroot is an ancestor of ours and I am trying to prove (or disprove) the veracity of this assumption.
In addition to the above information, my research has found a lot of information about Lillieroot's diplomatic career and some genealogical information about his Eosander ancestors, but I have not been able to find any information as to whether he had any children or not.
Would anybody know if Lillieroot had any descendents and/or know where I could find such information?  Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Len Johnson

2006-01-01, 12:03
Svar #1

Utloggad Olle Elm

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There is a book by Gustaf Elgenstierna, “Svenska Adelns Ättartavlor” (”Pedigrees of the swedish noble families”), where you can find all the noble families introduced to the House of Nobility. About Nils Eosander, nobled Lillieroot, (1636-1705), it says: ”Died without children” and ended the noble family Lillieroot.
Olle Elm
Olle Elm

2006-01-01, 14:58
Svar #2

Len Johnson

Hi Olle,
Thank you very much for the information and source.  I am somewhat saddened because I have to be the one that ends an old family tradition, but I feel it is better to know the truth than to perpetuate a fairy tale.
Thanks again,
Len Johnson

2007-01-26, 20:08
Svar #3

Carl Nybjrk

Finnes det noen malerier av Eosander Lillieroot, Nocolaus, Nils. Som er lagt ut på internett?

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