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Författare Ämne: Looking for information on ship ownership  (läst 341 gånger)

2006-03-30, 15:54
läst 341 gånger

David Kjelland

I am researching my family in Norway. My great grandfather was Carl Tobias Kjelland.
He was born in 1848 and lived in the gaard Kjelland, not far from Stranden. He was the son of Lars Olsen Kjelland.
Carl was a widely traveled man before he married (not sure of the marriage date but his oldest child was born in 1875.) He sailed all over the world, including Bombay, India and Singapore. I assume this was a merchant ship. My great aunt said that Carl said that he had sailed the Mediterranean Sea since he was 12 years old. She also mentioned that Carl (her father), had jointly owned a ship with the brother of the King of Sweden and was on good terms with the royal family. He probably sailed between the years of 1860 and 1875.
If you have any suggestions how I can find more information about Carl's sailing and ship ownership with the brother of the King of Sweden, please let me know.

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