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Författare Ämne: Härads domare title  (läst 784 gånger)

2006-04-03, 18:52
läst 784 gånger

Kay Engman

I have found a birth record from 1840 where the father is listed with the title Härads dm..  I think that this means 'Härads domare' and translates to 'layman judge of the district court'??  The record is from Viby parish in Örebro län.  Could some kind person who has a knowledge of Swedish history please tell me if I am correct and tell something about this position.  Would it have been a full-time everyday job or perhaps a once-a-month or once-a-year job?   Thank you so much for any information.
Kay Engman

2006-04-03, 20:16
Svar #1

Bo Johansson

The Sweggate website has sveral encyclopaedias, one of them about legal stuff, it explains häradsdomeare:äradsdomare
// Bo Johansson

2006-04-03, 21:48
Svar #2

Utloggad Anna-Carin Betzén

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Each district court assembled three times a year (winter, summer and autumn), each time for one or more days depending on how many cases they had to handle. Under extraordinary circumstances an extra session could be thrown in at any time during the year, to handle a case that couldn't be postponed.

2006-04-03, 22:26
Svar #3

Kay Engman

Bo and Anna-Carin,  Thanks very much for the good explanations!

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