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Författare Ämne: History of Misterhult Parish in Kalmar Län  (läst 1251 gånger)

2010-04-10, 20:27
läst 1251 gånger

Utloggad James Jellison

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  • Antal inlägg: 25
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-04-24, 19:05
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Can anyone tell me whether Misterhult Parish in Kalmar Län was a site of military activity during the period 1890 to 1895?  I would like to learn more about the family of Karl Johan Blomqvist and Emma Lovisa Larsdotter that I believe lived there during that time.  Family tradition is that Karl Johan Blomqvist may have been a member of the Swedish military.  Before and after that time, they lived in Österplana, Skaraborg Län.  According to Swedish emigration records, three sons were born in Misterhult:  Karl Gustaf, 1892; Johan Albin, 1893-10-27; and Hjalmar Engelbekt, 1895-07-30.  I have not found complete source documentation for these latter facts.  I would be very grateful for any information regarding Misterhult for this time period.  Was this a large parish at the time?  I was surprised at the large number of pages found in the household examination book for that period of time.

2010-04-11, 00:27
Svar #1

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
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1900 Swedish Census CD:
Blomqvist, Karl Johan   1862   Father
Larsdotter, Emma Lovisa   1864   Mother
(Barn), Otto Gilbert   1887   Child
(Barn), Anna Emerentia   1888   Child
(Barn), Maria Viktoria   1890   Child
(Barn), Karl Gustaf   1892   Child
(Barn), Johan Albin   1893   Child
(Barn), Hjalmar Engelbrekt   1895   Child
(Barn), Helga Cecilia Elisabeth   1898   Child
(Barn), Josef Alexander   1899   Child
Record 1995406
Blomqvist, Karl Johan
Cementarbetare = cement worker?
b. 1862 in Medelplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Man, married, father
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Medelplana Skaraborgs län
Record 1995405
Larsdotter, Emma Lovisa
b. 1864 in Husaby (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
h.= wife
Woman, married, mother
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Husaby Skaraborgs län
Record 1995407
Otto Gilbert
b. 1887 in Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Boy, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Österplana Skaraborgs län
Record 1995404
Anna Emerentia
b. 1888 in Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Girl, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Skövde landsförsamling, Skaraborgs län
Record 1995401
Maria Viktoria
b. 1890 in Möckleby (Kalmar län, Öland)
Girl, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Möckleby Kalmar län
Record 1995400
Karl Gustaf
b. 1892 in Misterhult (Kalmar län, Småland)
Boy, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Misterhult Kalmar län
Record 1995403
Johan Albin
b. 1893 in Misterhult (Kalmar län, Småland)
Boy, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Misterhult Kalmar län
Record 1995402
Hjalmar Engelbrekt
b. 1895 in Misterhult (Kalmar län, Småland)
Boy, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Misterhult Kalmar län
Record 1995399
Helga Cecilia Elisabeth
b. 1898 in Medelplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Girl, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Medelplana Skaraborgs län
Record 1995398
Josef Alexander
b. 1899 in Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Boy, child
Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Österplana Skaraborgs län
1890 Swedish Census CD:
Blomqvist, Karl Johan   1862   F
Persdotter, Emma Lovisa   1864   M
(Barn), Otto Gilbert   1887   Ch
(Barn), Anna Emerentia   1888   Ch
(Barn), Maria Viktoria   1890   Ch
Post 3275447
Blomqvist, Karl Johan
kalkbrännare = lime burner???;  f d. soldat = former soldier
b. 1862 i Medelplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Man, married (father)
Kjepplunda Lars Olofsg.
Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Absent when registering
Place of birth (original source): Medelplana, Skarab l.
Post 3275448
Persdotter, Emma Lovisa
b. 1864 i Husaby (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
h.= wife
Woman, married (mother)
Kjepplunda Lars Olofsg.
Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Husaby, Skarab l.
Post 3275451
Otto Gilbert
b. 1887 i Österplana (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Boy (child)
Kjepplunda Lars Olofsg.
Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Österplana, Skarab l.
Post 3275449
Anna Emerentia
b. 1888 i Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Girl (child)
Kjepplunda Lars Olofsg.
Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Sköfde lands-
Post 3275450
Maria Viktoria
b. 1890 i Möckleby (Kalmar län, Öland)
Girl (child)
Kjepplunda Lars Olofsg.
Skövde landsförs (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Möckleby, Kalm. l.
This shows the wars that Sweden was involved in. The last one was in 1814, so if you meant wars when you asked about whether Misterhult...was a site of military activity during the period 1890 to 1895, then the answer would be no. Maybe you meant something else, however.

2010-04-11, 07:52
Svar #2

Björn-Åke Petersson

At Wirum and other places he worked as a farmhand, he worked at big farms and manors. The family came from Skövde landsförsamling in 1891
He worked at Wirum 1891-1894 pag 460 och 1169, Stora Fighult 1895-1895 pag 759, att Figeholms gård 1895-1896 pag 169, at Flivik 1896 pag 787 (but there he wored with stone), at Bostorp 1896-1897 and from they went back to Medelplana.
Kinnekulle is a famous small mountain with limestone, where he grow up, and one child is born at Degerhamn on the island of Öland. There was also limestone industies, Degerhamn was a cementplant, where my grandmother´s father worked round 1909, from where he was expelled becauce of a big strike in 1909.
Medelplana and Misterhult is very apart. Medelplana between the lakes Vänern and Vättern, and Misterhult is on the eastcoast of Sweden and nearby is the island Öland in ste Baltic Sea.
Björn-Åke Petersson

2010-04-11, 13:39
Svar #3

Utloggad Anna-Carin Betzén

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  • Antal inlägg: 1112
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-10-28, 20:07
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Rosenberg's geographic encyclopedia, from the early 1880s, has general information on parishes, towns, and villages. I've translated some passages that might interest you:  
Misterhult parish is one of the largest in southern and central Sweden. Area 96,000 acres, including 5000 acres of islands. Population 7,049. It has a very broken coastline and an archipelago. The land is rather patchy - lots of bogs and small lakes, the soil is stony but often rich. Deciduous as well as conifer forests abound in this beautiful area. The main industries are farming and cattle farming, forestry, occasionally some industry, fishing and shipping. Near Solstad is a copper mine. Many of the 30 saw mills are not insignificant; there are also a few factories making potash and lamp black. Misterhult village, situated near the main road along the coast, has a post office and a savings bank. There are two inns, Jemserum and Figeholm - the latter also post office and market place. Out of the several harbours, steamboats put in at Figeholm and Solstad.
Soldiers lived in just about every rural parish in Sweden. Here's a brief description of the system, from the page in English about Swedish names at this site:  
At the end of the 17th century the military system of Sweden was completely reorganized and the system was to remain in effect for over 200 years. Simplified it specified that four farms (there were exceptions) were to join forces and equip a soldier and provide him with a house (soldattorp). The soldier was to attend military drills and in time of war was to report for duty, wherever that might be. Since he had a rural background he had a patronymic, which might be very common, such as Andersson, Eriksson, Olsson or Petersson. When he appeared before the military scribe he was given a soldier's name, which he kept during his service and which he often retained when he was pensioned or left the service.
(Meddelandet ändrat av acb 2010-04-11 13:39)

2010-04-13, 18:59
Svar #4

Utloggad James Jellison

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 25
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-04-24, 19:05
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Hej Björn,Judy, o Anna!
Tack så väldigt mycket!  You have given me much understanding of the life of Karl Johan Blomqvist.  I have traveled in Sweden enough to recognize that he had chosen to take his family a long way from where he was raised.  I was speculating that the move might have been related to his military training, but you have shown that he was simply pursuing a life for his family.  My farmors far (Johan Niklas Göthberg -changed to Gottberg in America) also worked with limestone producing lime in the area around Grötlingbo, Gotland. Now I would like to to understand more about his beginings. Skaraborgs birth records indicate that he was oäkta of a woman by the name of Holmgren, although family history from his son Johan Albin identifies Carolina Johansdotter b. 1833-01-28 in Lerum, Älvsborga as his mother.  Thanks again for your wonderful help. Jim

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