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Författare Ämne: Gillberga, Högsby Parish, Kalmar Län  (läst 748 gånger)

2000-11-10, 23:31
läst 748 gånger

Harold Dozier

allmoshjon appears by several names in the location Gillberga in 1812,1817 and 1820 HFL pages. It has been suggested this was a form of charity at that time. Would anybody know if Gillberga was a special place for such people at that time?  
Best Regards,
Harold Dozier Tulsa, Oklahoma

2000-11-12, 12:36
Svar #1

Utloggad Sam Blixt

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 6336
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-04-23, 20:37
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Hi Harold,
In the database of PLF, we can not see that the title or status: allmos(e)hjon was more common in Gillberga in Högsby than in other places.
What kind of status the poor people had in the HFL or death books depends more of who has written the word than which sort of charity or poverty.
I did a search on three different words in the whole database and got the following results:
Allmos(e)hjon = pauper, 453 hits,
Fattighjon = poor people, 9143 hits
Tiggare/tiggerskor = beggar,  210 hits.
Regards/Sam Blixt/PLF/Oskarshamn

2000-11-12, 17:06
Svar #2

Harold Dozier

Thanks Sam, for the information on the charity/poverty words. I did not know of the words Tiggare/tiggerskor. A main line of my Swedish ancestors has the name Tigerström.  
Could you tell me a little more about the PLF data base?  
Harold Dozier
Tulsa, Oklahoma

2000-11-12, 18:57
Svar #3

Utloggad Sam Blixt

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 6336
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-04-23, 20:37
    • Visa profil
Hi Harold,
Have You seen the site Information in English?
There is also information in other sites.
What do You want to know about PLF?
The name Tigerström dont comes from the word tiggare, there is only one 'g' in Tigerström, but two in tiggare.
Regards/Sam Blixt/PLF/Oskarshamn

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