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Innehållet i inläggen på Anbytarforum omfattas inte av utgivningsbeviset för

Författare Ämne: Danish Records  (läst 355 gånger)

2001-02-10, 17:37
läst 355 gånger

Kristina Brown

  • Gäst
I would like to thank all of the kind people that respond to the posted questions. I am new to this site and have learned alot about Sweden from the postings. I would like to know if there is a site like this for Danish information.  
I look forward to learning more from all of you.

2001-02-10, 19:02
Svar #1

Utloggad Bo Berndtsson

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  • Antal inlägg: 3221
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-16, 13:07
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Just scroll down a little on this site to Danmark, wich of course is swedisn for Denmark, where you'll find a similar discussion. You can also try, where you'll find discussions about all the scandinavian countries.
Bo Berndtsson

2001-02-11, 16:44
Svar #2

Eva Dahlberg

  • Gäst
Hi Kristina, the best thing for discussions and queries regarding relatives in Denmark is not Anbytarforums's Danish discussion and not another website but a newsgroup, dk.historie.genealogi, which you will find among the newsgroups your internet service provider makes it possible for you to subscribe to. It's very active and the researchers there are very helpful.
Good luck. Eva Dahlberg

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