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Författare Ämne: Confused & starting over again; need help with geography and military please.  (läst 1104 gånger)

2007-04-19, 02:18
läst 1104 gånger

Donna Johnson

  • Gäst
I am starting my research all over again. Perhaps I will be able to find something new.  
I amlooking for:
Daniel (Magnusson) Ros: 14/5/1774
I am trying to find out where he was born. Here is what data I have. According to his military history, File 220, he was in the company of the Royal Ålvsbogrs Regiment. He was in Sätila from 1806/04/30 to 1827/08/29 at his death. I do have his military data for that time period.
Before this time, he had served 12 years in the fleet of the army at the Gothenburg Squadron.  
My data states that he was born in Skaraborg. I also have data saying that he was from Upplänning & Bousalan.  
What can anyone gather from this? All I can figure out is that he came from someplace North.  
Does anyone know what group or unit he would have been in at Gothenburg? I have tried the military link & had no luck for his earlier information. I do have information from Genline: GID 888.2.16700 and 888.9.115800
He was newly inlisted to the army then. I had a hard time trying to figure out the entering/exiting pages on Genline for that time period & region. I am thinking that I may have overlooked his entry or another area in the records where he could be located.  
I did find out that his last name at that time was Magnusson. A very small step forward.  
If anyone can help me figure this out, I would truly appreciate it. I think the next logical step would be to find him in the army. Any ideas, hints & tips are very welcome!
Thank you,
Donna Johnson

2007-04-19, 10:45
Svar #1

Bo Johansson

  • Gäst
GID 888.2.16700 (Göteborgs Amiralitetsförsamling moving-in records):
26 Feb 1794 - Ros, Daniel Magnusson, farmhand from falköping, (moving in to?) number 4. [CROSSED OUT]
GID 888.9.115800 (Göteborgs Amiralitetsförsamling communion records):
The recruit Daniel Roos(?) took communion 18 January 1794.
Maybe he can be found later in the communion list?
I don't see him in the Falköping births for 1774, so he was probably born elswhere.
Have you followed him in the Sätila church books? In the Sätila HFL AI:4 1808-1814 page 54 (GID 1617.4.95900), he and his family is at the Håkonkila Västregård(?) soldier's cottage, and in HFL AI:6 1820-1826 page 142 (GID 1617.6.106300).
In HFL AI:7 1826-1829 page 150 (GID 1617.7.115600) he is retired with pension, nothing about his death.
// Bo Johansson

2007-04-19, 13:36
Svar #2

Donna Johnson

  • Gäst
Thank you for your help. Did you happen to find anything in the Falköping moving out records? Perhaps there may be something there about him.  
No, I did not check the communion list as I was confused with the records.I only noticed him on the 2 pages.  
Are the 3 locations near one another- Skaraborg, Bousalan & Upplänning? I would imagine combined it is a large area to search.
I did find all of his data from Sätila. I now need the data before 1806.
Thank you,
Donna Johnson

2007-04-19, 16:39
Svar #3

Bo Johansson

  • Gäst
Unfortunately, there are no moving-out records for Falköping that early.
Skaraborg county (since 1998 part of Västra Götaland county) is in the province Västergötland, to the east of Göteborg (Gothenburgh) and west of lake Vättern.
Bohuslän is the province north of Göteborg, which together with Göteborg city makes up Göteborgs och Bohus county (since 1998 part of Västra Götaland county).
Upplänning means person from Uppland, the province north of Stockholm.
 counties map
// Bo Johansson

2007-04-20, 03:59
Svar #4

Donna Johnson

  • Gäst
Thank you for your help. I will keep on looking for him. I think I will have to try the military records to find more data on him.I just need to find out what group he was in at Goteborg. He was there for 12 years so he should be some place close by!
Thank you again for your help & the links.

2007-04-21, 01:21
Svar #5

Utloggad Kaj Andersson

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Hi Donna!
Try to write to this adress:
Nils-Olof Olofsson
Lars väg 7
Nils-Olof is the man who keeps the registers of Älvsborgs Regemente, where Daniel Ros was contracted.
Another possibility is to search for his estate inventory, wich could be found in the district court for Sätila (Sätila belonged most probably to the Court of Mark). In this case it is important to inform them about his death dates. If you are lucky, you will find notes there about his background.
The archives for this court is located in the Göteborg Landsarkiv, wich you could reach through:
Post address: Box 19035, 400 12 Göteborg
Visiting address: Geijersgatan 1
Phone: 031-778 68 00 Fax: 031-778 68 25
Best regards, and good luck for your future research. I?m sure you will find him!

2007-04-21, 13:23
Svar #6

Utloggad Bodil Josefsson

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  • Antal inlägg: 298
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-05-28, 09:01
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About Daniel:s death. He died 1833-03-07 in Sätila (YY-MM-DD).
Death record; GID 1617.18.39200
Household 1829-1835; GID 1617.8.7900
/ Bodil J

2007-04-22, 00:20
Svar #7

Donna Johnson

  • Gäst
Thank you all for your responses & help. I am currently corresponding with Hans Högman about his earlier military data.  
I never realized how hard this can be. All of my other family members were very easy to find & trace back as far as possible. This one sure has me going in circles! lol!
I am also currently checking all the moving in/out records, one page at a time for Göteborg during the late 1790's. I hope my persistance pays off.  
Again, thank you to all for your help.

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