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Författare Ämne: A trip to Sweden  (läst 2651 gånger)

2003-11-08, 21:33
läst 2651 gånger

Nancy Jaderen

  • Gäst
We are planning a trip to Sweden next year,not only to visit family that was discovered through genealogy research,but also to try to find where our parents were born.Is there a place I can go to or contact to find these addresses:
Hallstahammar,Svedvi parish,Vastmanland,year 1896
Eskilstuna,Södermanland,year 1895. I realize this is a large city
Södertalje,Södermanland, year 1902. don't know if this is city or rural
Halmstad,Halland, year 1889. I know that this is now a large city but this would have been a farm
This may be an impossible search,but if there is some way to find out I would really appreciate it
 Nancy Jaderen

2003-11-08, 23:09
Svar #1

Utloggad Gunvor Jensen

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Nancy, I think you must have more specific adresses. Eskilstuna, Södertälje and Halmstad are all rather big cities today. Hallstahammar or Svedvi as it earlier was named is now a community.
Best regards  

2003-11-08, 23:21
Svar #2

Ann-Cathrin Gustafsson

  • Gäst
Hello Nancy
If we start with Hallstahammar you can contact
Hallstahammars församling
Vallongatan 6
73430 Hallstahammar
and since the year is 1896 they still got the churchbooks at the parishoffice so they can perhaps tell you the exact location.
Eskilstuna you have the year 1895 so they also have the churchbooks in the parishoffice,
Eskilstuna klosters församling
Box 307
63104 Eskilstuna
Södertälje is a city and the adress to the parishoffice is
Södertälje-Tveta församling
Box 121
15122 Södertälje
I am not sure that Halmstad have their churchbooks in the parishoffice, most parishes has left their books to the Landsarchive, but if you know the name of the place in Halmstad you might get help, here is the adress
Halmstad församling
Böketoftavägen 4
26023 Kågeröd
This is a good way to start and I wish you good luck.
greetings Ann-Cathrin

2003-11-09, 03:12
Svar #3

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
Nancy, I wrote  to your question.
I understand that during your journey to Sweden you intend to visit the birthplaces of your ancestors, not the parish offices. I'm sure you already have more precise information than parish and year for each individual. Have you seen the birth records? If so, simply tell us what they say, and we'll help you explain what they mean.

2003-11-09, 10:08
Svar #4

Ann-Cathrin Gustafsson

  • Gäst
I realize that you dont looking for the parishoffices but very often they can help to tell you were the different places are located.
If they dont know there are local organizations who work with genealogy research and they are often very helpful. A friend of mine in USA had very good help with those organizations when she needed to locate an old croft or an old farm.
I couldn't find an adress to any organization in Hallstahammar but maybe someone else know.
In Eskilstuna you can contact 
In Södertälje you can contact
And finally in Halmstad you can contact
Once again I wish you good luck
Regards Ann-Cathrin

2003-11-09, 17:30
Svar #5

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
Church records from Hallstahammar and Eskilstuna are found at Uppsala landsarkiv, which I visit regularly (I live in Uppsala). This is why I'm asking Nancy for the birth record data. I cannot perform a lookup based on parish and year only.
Nancy, have you examined the birth records or not? I believe you have, since I got the impression you have already traced your ancestors at least another generation further back. Am I mistaken?
If you haven't even found the birth records, I may be able to help you with some of them. I'm sorry if I sound a bit impatient, but I tried to spell your options out already a couple of weeks ago, and yet you seem to be stuck on square one.

2003-11-09, 20:29
Svar #6

Nancy Jaderen

  • Gäst
Thank you,everyone,for your help. Anders,on my father's side,who was born in Hallstahammar,I have gone way back and have had a lot of success with that research. I have searched the Eskilstuna birth records and HFL for my husband's father's line.He was Olof Robert Jäder?n b.10 6 1895.His father was Fredrik Robert Jäder?n,b.5 7 1859 and his father was Carl Robert Jäder?n,b 28 3 1828, all in Eskilstuna, but was not able to find anything.I have posted queries on the name Jäder?n before with no success
  I have not done too much on my mother,Ruth Hildur Jansson,b.11 11 1902 in Södertalje.Her father was Johan Albert Jansson,b.19 5 1872 in Stathagen,Södertalje.
  The only information I have on my husband,s mother in Halmstad is what was given to me on the earlier posting.
Right now I am attempting to finish up with my father before I attempt to seriously tackle any of the others.
  I was just hoping to, at least,find the general area of our parents birthplaces to create a closer connection.

2003-11-10, 00:57
Svar #7

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
Ok, since you say that you have been successful in Hallstahammar, can you tell me the exact birthdate of your father? You may have mentioned it elsewhere in Anbytarforum, but I don't know where to look.
As for Eskilstuna, you even have three exact birthdates, but you say you have been unable to find them in the church records. Then, I wonder, where did you obtain those birthdates? In private records held by your husband's family? I can easily look them up, provided they are correct, which is why I'm curious about your source.

2003-11-10, 01:50
Svar #8

Nancy Jaderen

  • Gäst
  The exact date of my father is 25 11 1896 in Hallstahammer,Svedvi parish,Vastmanland.When I start any searches  I contact the Uppsala archives in order to get an exact starting point.
Inger Levisson was contracted to do a 1-2 hr search.With Olof,his dates were on his records in the USA.The other 2 were from the archives.Either I was not looking at them correctly or I wasn't able to translate them properly.As I have said,my knowledge of Swedish is not that good.

2003-11-11, 03:26
Svar #9

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
The birth notice for your father states that Tjälfvar Gustaf Albin was born 25/11 and christened 15/12 1896 (source Hallstahammar C:9 p18). There is a reference to page 378 in the parish book (församlingsbok), which should provide the best indication of where the family lived at the time. I looked it up, and found the following (Hallstahammar AIIa:2 p378):
Anders Gustaf Pettersson, factory worker, born 22/7 1865 in Sätterbo, moved in from Kolbäck parish in 1894
Wife Emma Sofia Berg, born 27/2 1866 in Berg
(two children born in Kolbäck skipped here)
Son Tjälfvar Gustaf Albin, born 25/11 1896 in Svedvi
Son Adler Gustaf Levertin, born 22/10 1899 in Svedvi
Like every page in the range 361-400 (together listing hundreds of people), page 378 is labelled Bultfabriken (the bolt factory), referring to a major iron and steel product manufacturing plant in Hallstahammar. I get the impression your grandparents lived in the workers' quarters on the factory premises, but I don't know what the site looked like 100 years ago (nor what it looks like today). Maybe the people in Landskap: Västmanland: Socknar: Svedvi can provide further information about the factory; this is the kind of information you may find at a local industrial history museum (if there is one).
Appearantly, your uncle Adler Gustaf Levertin was born in the same place. Does he (or the elder siblings) have living descendants today, either in the USA or Sweden, who may know more about his childhood?

2003-11-11, 03:43
Svar #10

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
I forgot to mention that in 1902, the family moved from Bultfabriken to the village of Rallsta, still in Svedvi parish (Hallstahammar AIIa:3 p125), but perhaps you had that information already. On May 1, 1903, they moved to Kolbäck parish, and on November 11 the same year (exactly 100 years ago today) they left Kolbäck for Södertälje (Kolbäck AIIa:1a p430). I'm sorry I don't have easy access to Södertälje records.

2003-11-11, 05:14
Svar #11

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
According to the birth notice, Olof Robert was born 10/6 and christened 4/7 1895 in Eskilstuna stadsförsamling or city parish (Eskilstuna Kloster Fors C:34 p20). His parents, Fredrik Robert Jäder?n and Charlotta Eriksdotter, were at the time living at Number 328, which indicates a plot or a house in the city parish. Witnesses to the christening were Carl Oskar Jäder?n in Number 102 and Anna Erika Eriksson in Number 328 (the same as where the parents themselves lived).
Just as in Hallstahammar, the Eskilstuna birth notice refers to a page in the clerical survey records/parish book, which in this case (Eskilstuna Kloster Fors AIb:42 p481) says:
Jäder?n, Fredrik Robert, born 5/7 1859 in Eskilstuna, married 29/12 1894
Eriksdotter, Charlotta, born 13/11 1861 in Folkärna
Olof Robert, born 10/6 1895 in Eskilstuna
Knut Walfrid, born 4/8 1898 in Eskilstuna
The family (or at least Fredrik Robert) is said to have lived in turn at Number 180, Number 328, and Ramsta 2, all in Eskilstuna. On October 22, 1900, the family moved from Eskilstuna to Västerås.
When Knut Walfrid was born in 1898, the family still lived at Number 328 (Eskilstuna Kloster Fors C:34 p197). I see that you are familiar with the discussion Landskap: Södermanland: Socknar: Eskilstuna already, and I think the people there may be able to translate Number 328 into a street address or similar. Perhaps they also know where Ramsta is to be found, in case you are curious about it (appearantly your husband's grandparents lived in Ramsta a short time around the year 1900 only).
Do you want to identify additional locations in Eskilstuna?

2003-11-12, 00:18
Svar #12

Nancy Jaderen

  • Gäst
Thank you,Anders, this has given me quite a bit of food for thought.When I was looking at the records for Eskilstuna I think I probably ordered the wrong one.I will try again.
 My husband has living relatives in Västerås but they have been of no help.We will be visiting them so maybe I will be able to find out more.
Thank you for all your help.Sometimes I feel that I am being a bit of a pest.

2003-11-12, 01:41
Svar #13

Anders Andersson

  • Gäst
Nancy, don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it! If you don't understand the answer, don't go silent, but ask again! We enjoy trying to provide advice, otherwise we wouldn't even be reading these questions. I find it quite educational myself; I get to learn about parishes and specific problems I wouldn't normally encounter in my own research, thus widening my experience.
If you want to simplify our task even more, please avoid creating a separate discussion for each question pertaining to more or less the same issue, as multiple parallel discussions makes it difficult for us to find out what questions have already been answered or what facts have been presented, and we end up repeating ourselves (or each other) over and over.
Too bad your husband's Swedish relatives couldn't help you, but I think that house number in Eskilstuna (328) is your best lead right now.
What about your own uncles and aunts from Kolbäck and Hallstahammar, did they emigrate too or did they stay to raise families in Sweden? Had you heard about the Bolt Factory before? It may turn out difficult finding the exact house or site where your grandparents lived, as the houses aren't individually named in the parish book, and I don't know what the area looks like today anyway. A similar workers' residential district in the city of Borlänge has been partially preserved as a piece of cultural history, although the houses are occupied by regular tenants today, not by hired tourist guides or wax dummies.
To find out more about the Bolt Factory and Hallstahammar, you have to look beyond the church records, and study other sources as well.

2003-11-12, 21:08
Svar #14

Nancy Jaderen

  • Gäst
Anders, Yes,I have 2nd cousins on my father's side and I have asked them if they had any background information but he couldn't recall anything.We will be visiting them so maybe one on one will be more successful. They live in Tåby now. No,I have never heard of the Bolt factory.
That will be very interesting to look into.
Thanks again.

2003-11-15, 12:25
Svar #15

Utloggad Anders Erikols

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an old photo and some info on the bolt factory (in Swedish)

2009-10-12, 17:57
Svar #16

Utloggad Leonard Franklin

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My great great grandfather Gustaf Jonsson born 1819 in Krakhult
My great grandfather Peter Otto Gustafsson born in 1864 born in Hasslelby. What is lilla Fagerhult?
My great grandmother Hulda Caroline Johanson born in 1866 in Sodra Vi
Were these parishs close together? Any info would be appreciated.

2009-10-13, 08:46
Svar #17

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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Leonard, on this map you'll find Södra Vi and Hässleby (above the town of Vimmerby and to the left of Vimmerby) - so they are not far apart. The town of Vimmerby may be most easy to locate on a modern map.  
I made a small look-up on the family . As Hulda Carolina and her parents as well were born in Södra Vi, I think you should place a request under that parish - as local experts may find it and help you out further. You find the discussion here Anbytarforum » Landskap » Småland » Socknar » Södra Vi  
and posts in English is quite OK.
Good luck!

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