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Författare Ämne: Locate my ancestors  (läst 2969 gånger)

2006-03-10, 02:07
läst 2969 gånger

Janice Soine

  • Gäst
My grandmother was born in Backebo, I believe, in about 1867-69.  Her name was Emilia Rosander.  Her siblings were Thelma, Victor and Klas.  She and her brother,Klas,came to the US in 1893. Records have her last residence in Backebo.Her parents were Lars Rosander and LL Carolina Nilsdatter.  
My family is coming to Sweden in June and would like to visit the area and locate any relatives or visit a cemetery where her parents were buried.  Can you give me any information??  Thanks - Janice Soine -

2006-03-10, 05:14
Svar #1

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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From the Emihamn database of CD Emigranten, which was made from registrations with the Swedish port police before leaving Sweden:
First name: EMMILIA G L
Last name: ROSANDER
Age: 24     Gender: K (kvinna = woman)
Parish: FÖRLÖSA     County: H (kalmar)
Date: 1893 08 18 (registration date)
Destination: S:T PAUL MINN
Fellows: NEJ (Nej = no. She traveled alone on her ticket BUT she shared a ticket with Klas Erik.)
Source: 52:99:2068
First name: KLAS ERIK
Last name: ROSANDER
Age: 18     Gender: M
Parish: FÖRLÖSA     County: H
Date: 1893 08 18
Destination: S:T PAUL MINN
Fellows: JA (Ja = yes. He traveled with someone on his ticket.)
Source: 52:99:2068
Do you have any idea what her other initials stand for?

2006-03-10, 08:22
Svar #2

Utloggad Sam Blixt

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Hi Janice,
In the PLF CD-3 I found those siblings:
Karl Viktor 18601014
Hulda Sofia 18631026
Augusta Paulina 18660313
Selma Charlotta 18700603
Klas Erik 18740323
Axel Robert 18740323
All those where born in Bäckebo.
It looks to be the siblings of Emilia Rosander,
Their parents was Lars Gustav Rosander and Karolina Nilsdotter.

2006-03-10, 08:40
Svar #3

Utloggad Sam Blixt

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Hi again,Janice,
In Genline I found this information from Kjettilstorp/Kättilstorp, Bäckebo.
AI:10, 1861-1875, page 145.
GID 13.20.60300


2006-03-10, 09:39
Svar #4

Utloggad Sam Blixt

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Hi Janice,
Here comes the birthnotice for Emilia Gustava b. in Tyresö parish, Stockholms län.
Genline GID 10000114.35100
Born in Tyresö 1867, Dec., 18


2006-03-11, 08:51
Svar #5

Utloggad Sam Blixt

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Hi Janice,
In the PLF CD-3
I also find that the farmer Lars Gustav Rossander die in Kettilstorp, Bäckebo, 1887, May 24.
Rossander, Lars Gustaf
Bonde (ålder: 60 År 2 M 8 D)
Död 24/5 1887 i Bäckebo (H)
Källa: Bäckebo B I:2

2006-03-15, 02:31
Svar #6


  • Gäst
Sam and Judy - Thanks so much for the information.  Judy, by looking at the records it looks like the G initial stands for Gustofra.
It looks like she has more siblings than we here in America knew about.  Probably they were infant deaths.  Klas and Selma also came to America, but Victor stayed in Kettilstorp probably to run the family farm.  Is there a death certificate for him?  Was he married and did he have offspring.  We know of no living relatives in Sweden, but it would be fun to find someone.  Thanks again for all of your help. Janice

2006-03-15, 14:26
Svar #7

Bo Johansson

  • Gäst
Her name was Emilia Gustafva, today it would probably be spelled Gustava.
Victor (Karl Victor) was unmarried in 1890 according to the Befolkning 1890 CD:
Rossander, Karl Victor - Hemmanseg. (farm owner) b. 1860 in Bäckebo (Kalmar county, Småland province) unmarried man, alone
Kettilstorp N:o 1, Bäckebo (Kalmar county, Småland province).
But he left for Amerika 27 March 1891 according to HFL Bäckebo (Kalmar) AI:13 1883-1892 (GID 13.24.62200)
At that page are:
- Lars Gustaf Rossander, born 1827-03-17 Fagerhult, died 1887-05-29.
- wife Kerstin Nilsdotter, born 1835-06-28 here(?), died 1884-12-11.
- d. Emilia Gustafva, born 1867-12-18 Tyresö, moved 1888-10-29 to Förlösa.
- d. Selma Charlotta, born 1870-06-03 here(?), moved 1888-10-29 to Förlösa.
- s. Klaes Erik, born 1874-09-23, moved 1891-02-19 to Stockholm.
- farmer Karl Victor Rossander, born 1860-10-14 Bäckebo, came 1889-01-22 from Johannes, moved 1891-03-28 to Amerika.
// Bo Johansson

2006-03-16, 02:19
Svar #8


  • Gäst
Thanks, Bo, for looking up this information.  Now I have a few more questions if you don't mind.
Is there a way to find the cemetery where Lars and wife Kerstin are buried? (the parents)
Is Kettlilstorp No 1, Backebo the farm address?  Would we be able to find it by going to Kettilstorp and asking for help in finding No 1?
Lars Rosander (the father) died in 1887 and Karl Victor took over the farm until 1891.  Is that correct from the above info?  My father (now deceased) said that Karl Victor stayed in Kettilstorp and did not come to America.  My father wasn't born until 1899.  I'll have to work on a death notice here as we don't know of this sibling.
We are so much looking forward to coming to your beautiful country.  Thanks again, Janice

2006-03-16, 20:28
Svar #9

Bo Johansson

  • Gäst
Kettilstorp, today spelled Kättilstorp is a small village just north of the somewhat larger village (or small town) Bäckebo.
Map1:  Lantmäteriet
Kettilstorp no 1 was one of two main farms in Kettilstorp/Kättilstorp, but they were subdivided. Lars Gustaf Rossander (and later Karl Viktor) owned 1/16 of Kettilstorp no 1.  
Lars died 1887, Karl Viktor came 1889 and took over the farm, and left 1891.
They were probably buried at Bäckebo church, but be aware that Swedish graves are not forever, the graves may have been reused since then.
Web page for  Bäckebo and the Bäckebo  hembygdsförening
// Bo Johansson

2006-03-17, 19:28
Svar #10


  • Gäst
Bo - Thanks for the input about the Swedish cemeteries.  I guess I had heard that before.  Is the Backebo Church still there?  Maybe baptismal records.  The maps were great.  We will enjoy driving around the area.
I'm still looking for Karl Victor in US records.  I've had no luck so far.
Now would you be able to do a little more looking on my grandfather's side?  I have a lot less information on him.
John E Pearson (Perrson ?)  Born in 1857 in Skane county.  Siblings were Hannah, Elna, Nels, Nellie, Carolina, and Lena (probably even more)
Father was Elias Pearson - don't know mother
He came to America in 1880 I believe.
Thanks you so much again for opening up all of these doors to my ancestors.  I really do appreciate all you are doing.  Janice

2006-03-17, 23:16
Svar #11

Bo Johansson

  • Gäst
The DDSS database has only one Jo* born 1857 with a father named Elias:
1857-11-27 Johannes
Father: Elias Andersson, Misterhult
Mother: Nilla Bengtsdotter
Parish: Västra Torup
Here is the family in the Västra Torup HFL AI:8 1861-1868 page 189 (GID 1725.7.4900) at Misterhult No. 1:
- Torpare Elias Andersson, born 1818-04-18 Hörja(?).
- wife Nilla Bengtsdotter, born 1828-04-24 Wärsjö(Växjö?).
- son Andreas, born 1851-01-20 Misterhult.
- daughter Botilla(?), born 1855-08-10 Misterhult.
- son Johannes, born 1857-11-27 Misterhult.
- son Calle, born 1860-07-14 Misterhult, not baptized.
- daughter Johanna, born 1863-06-19 Misterhult, not baptized.
- son August, born 1867-07-12 Misterhult, not baptized.
In the next HFL volume AI:9 1869-1876 page 53 (GID  1725.8.28700) there was one more daughter:
- daughter Elin, born 1872-04-27 Misterhult, not baptized.
And Johannes leaves for Amerika 1876-04-27.
I don't know if this Johannes Eliasson is your John E Pearsson, where would the Pearsson have come from?
// Bo Johansson

2006-03-17, 23:31
Svar #12

Utloggad Sam Blixt

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Hi Janice,
In DDSS I found that Elias Andersson where born in Hörja 1818, April 18.
The father was Anders Sjunnasson and mother Ingar Kjerstensdotter.

2006-03-18, 01:26
Svar #13

Janice Soine

  • Gäst
Bo and Sam - Boy, this is a tough one.  Why would his last name be Andersson instead of Pearson (Perrson)?  None of the siblings match the names I have.  The only information I have about where he came from is Skane Provience in Sweden.
My info said he was born August 1857 - oldest of 13 children.  He came to America in his 20's and later brought over four of his sisters and one brother.  He came to Philadelphia.
Next week I will try to find his death certificate.  I see him in our 1900 and 1910 census and it just says he was born in Sweden.
Thanks again - Janice

2006-03-18, 07:31
Svar #14

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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Janice, the DDSS database is far from complete, so it may be the wrong persons that were found (perhaps even likely the wrong persons?).
You also asked about Bäckebo church and the records. The church I can't answer if it is the same (don't know when it was built) but the church records are no longer there. All church records are under transfer from the parish offices to the Regional Archives. Already all records up to 1895 for the whole of Sweden are at the Regional Archives and records from 1895-1991 (the end date for the church being responsible for the keeping of offcial population records) are moved for a large part of Sweden including the province of Småland.
The records for Småland (Bäckebo for example) are kept in the Regional Archives in Vadstena, but you don't get to see originals if you go there, you work with the microfiche. Vadstena is a beautiful town to visit. The archive is in an old castle.
Kind regards,

2006-03-18, 16:19
Svar #15

Utloggad Anna-Carin Betzén

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According to Wikipedia, the neoclassical stuccoed church at Bäckebo (click for photo) was built in 1847. Before that, there was a wooden church built in 1685.

2006-03-19, 09:25
Svar #16

Utloggad Susanne Åkerfeldt

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Hi Janice! Maybe you could give us information on who of John's siblings that emigrated? It may facilitate a research in the possible records over here being easily avialable (on CDs etc). I would think your info on Skåne is right, as some of the names given the siblings are typical for that province. However, researching Skåne and not actually going to the archives or looking into micro fiche cards is not that easy, as all the parishes are not included in a couple of avialable data bases.  
Yes, Bäckebo is situated in a beautiful area - I live only about 1/2 hour's drive from there. The church is not that old, it was built in the days when there were lots of people living in the Swedish country side and the older small churches became too small. When you stand on the yard in front of the church, you can try to imagine what it is like on a Sunday in early September every year when a big fair is arranged. This fair has a long history and back in the old days farm animals and all sorts of necessities would have been traded there. These days it's a lot more regular fair stuff found everywhere. Best regards, Susanne

2006-03-19, 19:20
Svar #17

Roberta Mellgren

  • Gäst
Searchng for information on the Mellgren family:
Father: Karl Emil Mellgren b: 2/18/1859 in Gärdhem, Älvsborgs län, Västergötland
Wife: Augusta Elisabeth Eklund born January 28, 1860 in Motala, Östergötlands län, Östergötland
Daughter: Gertrud Elisabeth, born July 8, 1886 in Trollhättan, Älvsborgs län, Västergötland.
Son: Erik Gustaf Hugo, born November 19, 1887 in Trollhättan, Älvsborgs län, Västergötland.
Daughter: Elsa Kristina, born November 13, 1889 in Trollhättan, Älvsborgs län, Västergötland.
They immgrated to America in 1890.  Would like to find out more information on Karl Emil Mellgren.  
Thank you

2006-03-19, 21:05
Svar #18

Helen Butler

  • Gäst
1900 Census for Hartford, Connecticut
Chas E Mellgren Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1859  Sweden  White Head    
daughter Elsa C Mellgren Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1889  Sweden  White Daughter    
son Erie G H Mellgren Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1888  Sweden  White Son    
mother Frederic M Mellgren Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1834  Sweden  White Mother  
A quick look at the 1910 census did not yield any in Connecticut.  Perhaps the name is misspelled
1920 census
Head Erick H Mellgren  Hartford Ward 1, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1888 Sweden White  
wife Grace Mellgren Hartford Ward 1, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1889 Connecticut White  
daughter Doris Mellgren Hartford Ward 1, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1914 Connecticut White  
son Roderick Mellgren Hartford Ward 1, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1917 Connecticut White  
daughter Harriet Mellgren Hartford Ward 1, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1918 Connecticut White  
head Charles E Mellgren Hartford Ward 9, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1860 Sweden White  
 wife Anna E Mellgren Hartford Ward 9, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1878 Sweden White  
1930 census
Anna E Mellgren  Hartford, Hartford, CT abt 1880  Sweden  Head  
Eric Mellgren  Queens, Queens, NY abt 1888  Sweden  Head    
 Grace Mellgren Queens, Queens, NY abt 1888     Wife    
 Doris Mellgren  Queens, Queens, NY abt 1914     Daughter    
 Roderick Mellgren  Queens, Queens, NY abt 1917     Son    
 Harriet Mellgren Queens, Queens, NY abt 1919     Daughter    
 Richard Mellgren ,Queens, Queens, NY abt 1920     Son    
 Eunice Mellgren Queens, Queens, NY abt 1923     Daughter    
 Leonard Mellgren  Queens, Queens, NY abt 1925     Son    
 Irma Mellgren Queens, Queens, NY abt 1927     Daughter    
Social Security Death Index Record  
about Eric Mellgren  
Name: Eric Mellgren  
SSN: 097-05-3425  
Last Residence: 11355  Flushing, Queens, New York, United States of America  
Born: 19 Nov 1887  
Died: Jan 1967  
State (Year) SSN issued: New York (Before 1951 )  
I can you a copy of the census records directly to you if you would like them.

2006-03-19, 21:27
Svar #19

Utloggad Sam Blixt

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Hi Janice,
Could those be the children of Elias Person?
Source: Skånes Demografiska Databas


2006-03-20, 05:05
Svar #20

Janice Soine

  • Gäst
The siblings for John E Pearson are Hannah, Elna, Nels, Nellie, Carolina, and Lena.  Those coming to America were Hannah, Elna, Nels, Nellie, and Lena.  
From my father's information Carolina remained in Sweden.
Tomorrow I'll check these people out in US census to see if my father was correct.
Thanks for all your help.  Janice

2006-03-21, 01:34
Svar #21

Janice Soine

  • Gäst
Try this name - N J Perrson instead of John Pearson.
I find him immigrating to America in 1884, 14 April.  The birth date is close.  He departed from Liverpool to New York.  His place of origin was Norway ! hmmm    So maybe he left Sweden and lived in Norway for awhile.
Tomorrow there is one more place for me to search and I'll let you know what I find.

2006-03-23, 20:56
Svar #22


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Sam - I am having LOTS of trouble location John Pearson.  The only fact for sure is that he was naturalized in 1880.  I can't even locate where this occurred.  Thanks for all you have done for me.  We are so much looking forward to coming to Sweden.  We've heard that it is beautiful.  Janice

2006-03-24, 13:09
Svar #23

Utloggad Sven Borg

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On March, 6 1884 is one Nils Johan Person travelling from Oslo to New York with the shipping Line Thingvalla aboard the ship SS Thingvalla.  He was 18 years old and from Wermland.  
If the Pearson you are looking for was naturalized in 1880, I doubt it could be the one travelling from Norway.

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