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Författare Ämne: Anna (Matilda) Johansson  (läst 2263 gånger)

2007-08-24, 16:12
läst 2263 gånger

Carole Hallman

Anna (Matilda) Johansson left parish: Erska, county: Alvsborg, province: Vastergotland, on Oct. 13, 1905 for America.  She came to this area
of Sweden in 1903 shortly after her parents death.
She worked as a waitress in Grafsnas.  Her date
of birth was August 11, 1880.  I do not know where she was born or her parents names.  I was told that she had a sister Christina.
Would greatly appreciate any information on her place of birth or her parents name.
Thank you
Carole Hallman

2007-08-25, 17:07
Svar #1

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4737
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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I can see two Anna Johansson that arrives on board Caronia on October 25 to New York.
he first Anna Johansson is from Erska and she is heading for her friend A Lindahl i Philadelphia, Pa. Guess this is the correct person.
The other is from Gestad and is heading for her sister Kristina Berggren, she has been in US before.
I wonder if the second one is the reason for the rumour about a sister named Kristina?

2007-08-25, 20:50
Svar #2

Carole Hallman

Mats, you are right about the first Anna.....
She was my Grandmother and it was my Grandfather
who met her.......I have been able to trace his family.......his father was Olaus Johannson from
Grafsnas in Vastergoland.....I was told as a young
girl that Olaus paid the way for Anna to come to America to marry his oldest son Johan Algot Olauuson.......I have a picture of Anna working in a resturant near the train station in Grafsnas....In a poem dated 1903, Anna writes that
she is a stranger here (Gafsnas) and misses her
people.......the poem was written in Swedish in her frienship book.
Thank you for your interest

2007-08-25, 23:56
Svar #3

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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Any names mentioned in the friendship book that might help?

2007-08-26, 18:09
Svar #4

Carole Hallman

Hilga Johansson signed the book 1903.
Oskar, Emma, and Ellen Emelia Glad signed also.
My Grandmother, Anna named her first born, a daughter, Ellen Christina in 1906.
Most of the signatures are first name only.

2007-08-26, 20:17
Svar #5

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4737
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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If we can play a bit with the names, then something might pop up.
I found the following family in Swedish census 1900
Record 2107780
Glad, Johanna
b. 1846 in Åsle (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Widow, mother
Tiarp (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Åsle Skaraborgs län
Record 2107779
Oscar Emil
b. 1884 in Åsle (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Boy, child
Tiarp (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Åsle Skaraborgs län
Record 2107781
Ester Emilia
b. 1885 in Åsle (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Girl, child
Tiarp (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Åsle Skaraborgs län
This might be Oscar and Ellen Emelia Glad in the book, if Ester can be read as Ellen? Who is then Emma, where does she fit into this?
Carole, you have the book, can you, depending on how it is written (and perhaps what is written) see whether Oscar and his sister might be possible signers

2007-08-26, 20:36
Svar #6

Utloggad Barbro Backlund

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 107
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-06-14, 11:47
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Carole and Mats. I have tryed to find this Anna Matilda for many days but cannot find her. When I got the name Glad I have found a family in Trollhättan AI:6 GID 2697.8.22660 Elfrida Emilia född 1884 and her mother Emma Maria. The father is Erik Edvard Glad (not Oskar). Can it be any help?
Barbro Backlund

2007-08-26, 20:38
Svar #7

Utloggad Barbro Backlund

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 107
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-06-14, 11:47
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I forgot to say Trollhättan is much closer to Gräfsnäs as Åsele

2007-08-26, 22:23
Svar #8

Carole Hallman

Hi Barbro and Mats,
Thank you for all the help that you are giving me.
Emma, Ellen, Oskar, were signers.
I will try type one of the sayings. Remember I can not type those special a, o letter.
 Du ar tornet jag ar ros en glossr y vennen som
star i hornets  Ellen Glad
Lat si sorgen ditt hjerta trycka du lefnuds tid ar idel lycka Emma Glad.
The picture that I have of my Grandmother is with three other girls who look younger than her.....
maybe Elfrida is one of those girls......could Ellen be a nickname for Elfrida.......Could Mats
Glad family and Barbro's family be related

2007-08-26, 23:13
Svar #9

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4737
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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There is a Emma Glad in Swedish Census 1900, but I'm far from sure she has anything to do with this  
 Record 2267869
Andersdtr. Glad, Emma
b. 1877 in Gräsmark (Värmlands län, Värmland)
H:s oä. d.
Girl, child
Gunnarskog (Värmlands län, Värmland)
Place of birth (original source): Gräsmark

2007-08-26, 23:47
Svar #10

Utloggad Anna-Carin Betzén

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  • Senast inloggad: 2019-10-28, 20:07
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In case you'd like a translation of the sayings:
Du är törnen, jag är rosen. Glöm ej vännen som står i hörnet - You're the thorn [bush], I'm the rose [bush]. Don't forget your friend whose name is written in the corner. (The normal, rhyming, version of the first line is You're the rose, I'm the thorn - the writer may have intended a pun or just got it wrong.)
Låt ej sorgen ditt hjerta trycka du(?) lefnads tid är idel lycka - Don't let sorrow oppress your heart, [may?] your life span be all filled with joy. (I'm not familiar with this saying so I can't say what the correct connecting word should be.)

2007-08-27, 01:15
Svar #11

Carole Hallman

Thank you for the grandmother's book is filled with many writings like this.

2007-08-27, 07:24
Svar #12

Utloggad Barbro Backlund

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 107
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-06-14, 11:47
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Jag har sänt en förfrågan till landsarkivet i Göteborg då församlingsboken för Erska församling är levererad dit. Hoppas att de kan hjälpa Carol att finna var Anna Matilda är född.
Hon har fått en kopia.
Barbro Backlund

2007-08-27, 13:16
Svar #13

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

There is no need for e-mailing to Landsarkivet about Anna Matilda.
The scb-records are at Genline and according to GID 100015.10.1520 Anna Matilda was born in Erska on 23 Sept. 1880 to Mathias Andersson and Johanna Larsdotter
in Torp Skattegården. The family is still that place according to Census 1900.
Record 1597178
Anna Matilda
b. 1880 in Erska (Älvsborgs län, Västergötland)
Girl, child
Torp Skattegården
Erska (Älvsborgs län, Västergötland)
Place of birth (original source): Erska Älvsborgs län
Andersson, Mathias 1850 Father
Larsdotter, Johanna 1850 Mother
(Barn), Augusta 1879 Child
(Barn), Anna Matilda 1880 Child
(Barn), Alma Sofia 1882 Child
(Barn), Maria 1889 Child
(Barn), Karl Anders 1891 Child
all born in Erska.

2007-08-27, 13:26
Svar #14

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

Why she travelled as Johansson? No idea. this isi what I get from CD Emgiranten.
Efternamn:   JOHANSSON
Förnamn:     ANNA
Ålder:       25            Kön: K
Född: 1879/1880
Församling:  ERSKA    Län: P
Utresehamn:  GÖTEBORG
Utvandrdag:  1905 10 13
Destination: NEW YORK
Medåkande:   NEJ
Källkod:     79:548:63079

2007-08-27, 13:31
Svar #15

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

Another piece of information from Census 1900:
/Whether Kindahl or Lindahl, don?t know./
Record 1588011
Olausson Kindahl, Johan Algot Holger
b. 1878 in Hällum (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Göteborgs Garnisonsförsamling Sjette batteriet
Göteborgs garnisonsförs (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland)
Absent when registering
Place of birth (original source): Hällum Skaraborgs län

2007-08-27, 14:04
Svar #16

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

Johan Algot Holger born on 6 October 1878 in Skarstad, Skaraborg county. His parents:  Olaus Johansson, Anna Lotta Johansdotter, residing Klockaregården.
(GID 100016.76.3920 )
family is shown in Census 1890, when residing at Långe Lassegården, Sparlösa, Skaraborg county.
Olaus Johansson was born 1851 in Tråvad, Skaraborg;
Anna Lotta Johansdotter born 1851 in Skarstad, Skaraborg,
siblings of Johan Algot Holger:
Josef, b. 1882 in Hällum - Skaraborg;; born twin;
Ragnar b. 1882 in Hällum- Skaraborg; born twin;
Maria, b. 1884 in Vara, Skaraborg;
Karl in b. 1890 in Naum, Skaraborg;

2007-08-27, 14:23
Svar #17

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

Maybe Johan Algot Holger was recorded in the book of births for Skarstad, which was mother parish of Hällum.  
(Sparlösa AI:13 pg 96 refers)

2007-08-27, 14:25
Svar #18

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

The distance /going by car/ today between Erska and Hällum is about 50 km.

2007-08-27, 14:27
Svar #19

Bo Nordenfors (Nob)

Distance Erska -- Gräfsnäs about 4 km!

2007-08-27, 18:50
Svar #20

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

  • Anbytare *****
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  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
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The instructions on this page should help you type the extra Swedish letters.

2007-08-28, 00:18
Svar #21

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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As Anna Mathilda, according to Carole, wasn't born in Erska, I have found another possible person.  
Anna Mathilda, born in Tiarp (same parish as Oscar and Esther Emilia Glad lived in) on August 11, 1880.
She was the daughter of laborer Johannes Modig (born 1835) and his wife Maria Katrina Andersdotter (born 1839). Anna was their first children and they had been married for two years.
(SCB Skaraborg, GID 100016.102.3750)
IF this is the right person, is she in 1900 living in Tiarp and working as maid. The father dies between 1898 and 1900. The mother is living alone in Tiarp
But hopefully will we get more info from Landsarkivet.

2007-08-28, 01:55
Svar #22

Carole Hallman

I think that you may have found her......
Thank you, Thank you, thank you......
You are working very late.......

2007-08-28, 02:04
Svar #23

Carole Hallman

Dear Swedish Friends, (Mats,Barbro, Anna-Carin,Bo,
and Judy)
Thank you for time and effort which you did....
Thank you for all the informations you gave me....
You all have a special place in my heart....
Thank you,

2007-08-28, 23:00
Svar #24

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4737
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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I have some more info about the family I found, but I think it's wise to wait untill we have seen what Barbro might get from Landsarkivet

2007-08-29, 02:01
Svar #25

Carole Hallman

I will wait............I have been on this search
for over 5 I can wait another 2 months.......

2007-12-01, 22:11
Svar #26

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4737
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-11, 00:42
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I would like to close this search as we now know from Landsarkivet i Göteborg (Thanks Barbro for the contact, which was necessary to determine facts) the following
Erska volym AII:1 sidan 403 under Gräfsnäs, Rörkärrs rote:
Anna Matilda Johansdotter Modig, maid, born 1880-08-11 Tiarp
Emigrated to U.S.A. Filadelfia 1905-09-29
Information about the family is sent to Carole during the close down of Anbytarforum

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