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Författare Ämne: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-05-02  (läst 2503 gånger)

2003-11-14, 16:31
läst 2503 gånger

Utloggad Marie Josefson

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Hej! Undrar om någon känner till den här damen:
Hon hette Lisa Johannesdotter (min fmfm) och var född 1855 11/3 i Ör. Hon gifte sig 1885 med Anders Johan Pettersson, f.1853 i Sundals Ryr. Med honom fick hon sex barn, men innan dess hade hon en oä. son, Alfred Pettersson, min fmf. Hans far sägs vara en Petter Andreasson, mer vet jag inte om det.
Jag har lyckats spåra Lisa fram till 1920, då bodde hon i Trollhättan.
Finns det någon som vet något, dels om Alfreds far, dels om Lisas öden efter 1920, så skulle jag verkligen bli glad.
MVH Marie

2003-11-14, 16:50
Svar #1

Utloggad Marie Josefson

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Glömde nämna att Lisas föräldrar hette Johannes Persson och Cajsa Thorstensdr.

2003-11-14, 17:00
Svar #2

Leif Josefsson

Ett tips: Sök under Ör i Dalsland istället för Västergötland.

2003-11-14, 20:50
Svar #3

Utloggad Marie Josefson

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Hoppsan! Tack för den upplysningen, tänkte inte på att Älvsborgs län tillhör två landskap *dålig på geografi*! Alltid får man lära sig nåt nytt!

2004-04-22, 21:22
Svar #4

Utloggad Bengt Östman

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Någon som känner till ev ättlingar eller anfäder till Olof Andersson Östman f. 1830 i Holm och Kristina Östman f. 1823 i Dalskog, båda bosatta i Ör 1890.

2006-03-18, 16:11
Svar #5

Utloggad Per-Ove Ekman

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Hej Mia!
i Hfl 1861-1863 bodde Erik Andersson Salbom med hustru Britta Eriksdotter i Gundvarsbyn Kvarn(skrivs enl Lantmäteriet idag Gunvarbyn Kvarn) med följande barn:
Elias 1828-09-19
Anna  1841-10-20
Stina Kajsa 1833-06-21
Johanna 1845-02-18
Sonen Anders  1837-06-21 står också skriven där.  
Anders gifter sig 1862-10-03 med Sofia Lundgren och de bor också i Gundvarsbyn Kvarn 1862-1864 då de flyttar till Åsmule.
Enl Hfl 1876-1880 flyttar familjen från Åsmule till Grösäter 1879 (och dottern Anna  är född i Åsmule 1872).

2006-03-19, 14:16
Svar #6

Mia Lööf

Hej P-O!
Tusen tack för att du tog dig tid med min fråga och gav mig ett svar.  
Mia Lööf

2006-03-24, 13:41
Svar #7

Utloggad Jörgen Axelsson

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Jag söker information om Karl Abrahamsson Kjellander, f.24/8 1852 i Yllestad (hsfl).
3/4 1875 inflyttade han som folkskollärare till Sandhem socken i Skaraborgs län och angavs då komma från Ör i Älvsborgs län.
Jag inte är säker på att hans födelseuppgifter stämmer och därför försöker jag följa honom bakåt i tiden.

2006-03-25, 07:12
Svar #8

Utloggad Karin Ekeroth

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Hej Jörgen!
Karl Kjellander finns i Ör under en kortare tid. Han uppges ha kommit från Åsaka i Västergötland 3/11 1874 och flyttar till Sandhem i Skaraborg 10/3 1875. Hans födelsedata och födelseplats är som du anger 24/8 1852 i Yllestad.
Källa: Älvsborg, Ör hfl AI:17 pag 196.
GID 714.37.7100

2006-03-25, 08:19
Svar #9

Utloggad Karin Ekeroth

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Oj då, Jörgen!
Det finns två Åsaka. Del ett i Älvsborg - Väne Åsaka, dels ett i Skaraborg - Vartofta Åsaka. Jag klarar inte av att tolka det som står efter ordet Åsaka i ovannämnda hfl. Du får kika.
mvh, Karin

2006-03-25, 09:43
Svar #10

Utloggad Jörgen Tollesson

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Det finns t.o.m. fem Åsaka (också Barne-, Kållands- och Skånings-Åsaka; alla i Skaraborg).
Men sannolikheten är stor att det rör sig om Vartofta-Åsaka, eftersom både den socknen och Sandhem är grannsocknar till Yllestad.
Kontakt: | Ser gamla inlägg (före april 2016) underliga ut? Argumenterar jag mot mig själv? Saknas något i inläggen? Finns där något som inte borde vara där? Läs då om orsaken här:

2006-03-25, 17:55
Svar #11

Utloggad Jörgen Axelsson

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Hej, Karin och Jörgen!
Tack för era uppgifter.
Jag har tidigare efterlyst Karl Kjellanders trolige bror, Alfred Kjellander, under Vartofta-Åsaka. Kanske är det så att de var födda där.

2006-03-31, 14:50
Svar #12

Mia Lööf

Jag har tidigare gjort en förfrågan på Maja Andersdotter. Jag fick svar, men saknar uppgifter på dödsdatum.  
Hoppas någon kan hjälpa mig med det.
Det gäller Maja Andersdotter f, 1844 i ör. (Gift med Johannes Pettersson f, 1845).
Tack på förhand
Mia Lööf

2006-04-14, 19:26
Svar #13

Anders Gerebäck

Jag, med min familj, har köpt ett gammalt torp i Ör i Säter.
Detta torp heter Skottan och har numer adress Skottan 3.
Jag vore mycket tacksam för alla historik som har med datta torp att göra.
Mvh, Anders Gerebäck
070 531 92 09

2006-04-16, 17:22
Svar #14

Sören Nilsson

Hej Anders.
Ingemar Andersson, Vrångebäck 7830
464 92 Mellerud.
Gav ut en bok FJÄLLET 1998 om boställen och folk i fjället.
I den boken finns Skottan med.

2006-04-17, 21:29
Svar #15

Anders Gerebäck

Hej Sören!
Tack för din information. Jag har gått in på Ingemars hemsida och läst en del. Där fanns mycket intressant att läsa  
Mvh, Anders

2006-04-29, 21:57
Svar #16

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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I am struggling with a place name in Ör. It looks something like Ingarvallsberga but it doesn't look quite the same every time. (Perhaps the place name spelling has changed over time.) I hope that those of you who have done a lot of research in Ör can guide me with the proper spelling(s)of this location, especially if you have access to Genline. I don't see the location in the Rosenberg cd. I would also like to know what type of residence it is. Is it a gård? I think the Rosenberg cd mostly lists the villages, parishes and larger farms, but I'm not sure.
1)GID # 714.33.98800   (C:3, stamped page 308; written page 320)
Marriage between Nils Eriksson and Britta Olofsdotter, 28 October 1787. Where is she from? (I also have trouble with his residence.)
2)GID # 714.33.93400 (C:3, stamped page 201, printed page 207)
Birth of Nils, 24 September 1788. What is the residence?  
3) GID # 714.33.93900 (C:3, Stamped page 211, written page 217)
Birth of twins Maja and Kjerstin on 1 September 1791. What is the residence?
4) GID # 714.33.105100,(C:3 Stamped page 435, written page 448.)  
(I think this is the death of the wife/mother, Britta Olofsdotter, but her patronymic name isn't listed.)
Death of the wife Britta from fever on 1 October 1791. How is that residence spelled?
5) GID # 714.10.59000 (C:3, Stamped  page 232)
(I think this is the same death of the wife/mother Britta Olofsdotter (but no patronymic used) in a different book. There seem to be some duplicate records in Ör or am I imagining things?)
1? October 1791 Death of Britta. Is this the same Britta as found in the previous death record? Why is there another record? I'm interested in the spelling of the location in this record too.
Tack så mycket for reading this far, and thank you also if you try to help.

2006-04-30, 16:38
Svar #17

Utloggad John Winblad von Walter

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Hej Judy!
I wonder if what you are looking for may be found in, or connected to, the series of books called Ingevaldssläkten, written by Olof Ljung, and centering on the many families who descend from a certain Ingevald in the 1500s in Ör Parish in Dalsland.  Berg means mountain in Swedish and 'Ingevald's Mountain' around Ör Parish may well have some connection to the Ingevald families described in Ljung's books.
At one time Ljung's books could be purchased at Mellerud Museum and Släktarkiv, Box 132, Dalsland 46423, Sweden. I don't know where you live, but at the Swedish Genealogical Library of Minnesota there was (about 10 years ago) a copy of volume one, and by now the library may house the rest of his works.  And you may even be able to access Ingevaldsläkten on Interlibrary Loan in the USA.
Check out the following website for some additional information:
Hope this may be of help to you....
Med bästa hälsningar,
John Winblad von Walter
Carver, Minnesota, USA

2006-04-30, 16:42
Svar #18

Utloggad John Winblad von Walter

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Hej Judy!
When visiting the website be sure to click on the flag to get the English version....
John Winblad von Walter

2006-04-30, 18:06
Svar #19

Utloggad Ulla Lundell

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Hello Judy
I have the books about the Ingevald family by Olof Ljung. I have found this.Your Nils Eriksson was born in 1763 in a place called Svicklingbyn in Örs parrish, he died of fever 1822 in a place called Råskog
Married first to Britta Olofsdotter born in 1766 in Ingevalds Berga Ör. Died at the same place 1791 of fever.
Chlidren: Erik born 1788 owner in Västra Hinstakan in Sundal-Ryr parrish. He died in 1831 I think the same place.
Maja and Kerstin twins born in 1791 died as infants. As far as I can understand was all the children born in Ingevalds Berga.
Britta Olofsdotters parents was Olof Bryngelsson born 1747 in Ingevalds Berga 1747, died 1800 in the same place. Carin Andersdotter born 1746 in Skatt, Äckerud in Erikstads parrish.
I can tell you that we are related to each other and you have a lot of relatives here in Dalsland.
All the bets from Ulla

2006-04-30, 20:11
Svar #20

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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Hi John,
Thanks for this information about the bookIngevaldsläkten. I looked in the Family History Library Catalog and they have it, although I suppose they only have one volume. I didn't see a mention of volumes. I go to Salt Lake City every fall, so I'll look at it then. I also live not too far away from Minnesota. I live in Orland Park, Illinois, U.S.A., which is a suburb of Chicago. I can go to Minnesota and check it out.
That website is very interesting and very informative and I know now how to spell that place name. :-) Tack så mycket!
I appreciate that you took the time to help me and thanks again for the helpful information.

2006-04-30, 20:52
Svar #21

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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Hi Ulla,
Thank you for your very helpful information. Nils Eriksson was my farfars morfars far. I am descended from his son,Jonas Nilsson, born in Ör during the second marriage of Nils Eriksson to Karin Jonsdotter (Jansdotter? Writing is hard to read.) I hadn't tried to do much research in Ör because the microfilms were so dark when I checked last year, so I couldn't find the birth of Jonas.
Yesterday I tried again to find the birth of Jonas Nilsson, using Genline (which obviously had enhanced the bad films)and I found his birth in 1795. (I think the birth might have been in Backen. I don't remember without checking. I could check if it is interesting to you.) Since it was easier to see the writing, I decided to try to find the birth of the other children. (I had found some other children written in the husförhörslängder for Brålanda when Nils and his wife Karin moved there around 1800 and also in Ör before they left.Erik was listed and so was another girl, who was listed as Nils Eriksson's stepdaughter, plus Jonas and younger children.)  
I quickly figured out that Jonas didn't have the same mother as Erik when I found Erik's birth and then I became interested in the genealogy of the first wife, Britta Olofsdotter. I've found her parents and at least some siblings living at Ingevalds-Berga since I wrote the original post. I have a lot more checking to do in Ör.
I suppose that my relationship to the Ingevald family would be very, very distant, since my farfars morfar (Jonas Nilsson) was the half-brother of Erik Nilsson, but any relationship interests me.
This branch of the family eventually ended up in Brålanda, Gestad, and Frändefors, with some emigrations to the U.S. Two of my grandparents (farfar and mormor; yes, two sides of my family) have deep roots in Frändefors, but my farfars mor (Kajsa Jonasdotter, daughter of Jonas Nilsson) was born in Brålanda and died in Frändefors.
I've had trouble finding the roots of Nils Eriksson, since every record has his birth listed as 1762, with the place name abbreviated. I had guessed that the birth place was Gunnarsnäs but had no luck finding him there. This new information gives me something else to work with, and maybe I'll find more. Nils Eriksson died 29 March 1822 in Råskog, Brålanda, and yes, he died of fever, as your book says. I've done a lot of research in Brålanda, although the earlier records there are incomplete and also quite hard to read. (The minister loved to scribble out lines with his thick quill pen, I suppose.)
I had lost Erik Nilsson in Brålanda. I couldn't tell where he had gone, so it is interesting that you have the parish where he died. I can work backwards from there to find him.
How are you connected to this family?
Med vänlig hälsning,

2006-04-30, 21:16
Svar #22

Utloggad Yvonne Dihné

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Hi again Judy, long time no see. We meet again :-)
1. Ingevalds berg, Ingevalls berg, Ingevalls berga, Ingelsberga, Engevalls Berga, same, same but different spelling, can't find the one and only spelling for nowadays thou, actually I can't find it at all
Svecklingebyn for Nils
2. son Erik born 28 sept 1788 Ingevallsberga (not Nils)
3 Ingelsberga
4.Engevalls Berga
5.Ingelsvalla Bärga (not shure)
GID 714.13.2700 page 104 Svecklingebyn
Nils Eriksson born 1762
wife Britta from Uddevalla born 1766 (no last name)
they live with Nils parents
GID 714.14.15400 page 90 Engevalds berga
Nils Nilsson?? son in law born 1762
daugter Britta Olsdotter born 1766
son Erik born 1788
parents of Britta
Olof Bryngelsson born 1747
Karin Andersdotter 1746
daughter Britta (married) born 1766
son Anders born 1768 dead bw 1784-1788
daughter Annika born 1770
daughter Maria born 1774
daughter Anna born 1776
son Bryngel born 1778 (GID 714.17.88800 he lives alone in Ingevals Bergja)
GID 714.14.26800 Svecklingebyn
parents of Nils
Erik Nilsson born 1713
Britta Andersdotter born 1726
daughter Kerstin born 1759
Son Johan born 1767
Son Nils born 1762
GID 714.15.40600 1790-96 they live in Ingewalds Berga and they move to Backen
Nils Eriksson born 1762
Britta Olsdotter born 1766 (died bw 1790-96)
son Erik born 1788
GID 714.15.40300  1790-96 page 92 Backen
Nils Eriksson born 1762
Karin Jonsdotter born 1768 (new wife?)
son Erik born 1788
GID 714.16.62700 page 147 1796-1801
Nils Eriksson 1769 from G:näs (could be Gräfsnäs)
Karin Jonsdotter 1768 from Brålanda (new wife?)
son Erik 1788 Öhr
Mother Widow Britta Andersdotter 1727 from Holm
moved to Brålanda Rösskog 1800
Hope this will help you and not confuse you
Hugs  /Yvonne

2006-04-30, 21:34
Svar #23

Utloggad Ulla Lundell

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Hello Judy
I have been looking into the book Ingevald part one and I have found this. The father to Nils Eriksson born in 1762 or 1763 was Erik Nilsson born in 1712 in Svicklingbyn Ör and his second wife Kerstin Olofsdotter born sometimes in 1710 in Brunshult Holm parrish. Nils had a sister called Kerstin born in 1758 died 1787 in Åker Ör un married.A sister called Stina born in 1762 married to farmer called Anders Persson from Åker in Ör. The wife kerstin  Olofsdotter died 1763 in Svicklingebyn Ör in pneumonia.
Hälsningar Ulla

2006-05-01, 11:51
Svar #24

Utloggad Yvonne Dihné

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GID 586.9.66800 Brålanda Rösskog (Råskog) 1797-1804
Wid Olof Olofsson born 1736 dead 1798
Nils Eriksson, Karin Jonsdotter
son Erik, dr Ingri, son Jonas dr Britta Stina born 1800
GID 586.10.73600 Brålanda Råskog 1802-1807
Nils Eriksson 1762, Karin Jonsdotter 1772
son Erik 1788, dr Ingerd 1790?, dr Britta Stina 1800, son Johan 1796, son Anders 1802, dr Lisa born 1805-03-22 (from GID 586.29.90300) dead bw 1805-1807
GID 586.12.92100 Brålanda Råskog 1808-1812
Nils Eriksson, (sick), Karin Jonsdotter dead
Erik had to pay to church for burglery, he also got spö as punishment. He move to Hålebyn GID 586.12.93000.
Ingerd married to Rollanda?
Jonas, Britta Stina and Anders still there
twins Anna Maria and Lisa born 1807
GID 586.14.106300 Brålanda Råskog 1813-1819
Nils, Britta Stina, Anders and twins live there
Twins back to or from Lisgäng? , Henshult or Stenshult
Erik is back from Hålebyn and move to Hinsetakan  
Karin moves to Ruud? i Västra Gatan? (can't find her in Gatan)
Johan moves to Ryrs gården?
GID 586.18.26200 Brålanda Råskog södra 1820-1824
Nils Eriksson dead prob 1821
Britta Stina move to Stenshult?
Lisa move to Östeby  
Anna Maja move to Hinsetakan västra  
There is also
Jonas Nilsson 1796 and wife Anna Maja Svensdotter 1803 don't know if this is our Jonas.
They move to Bretvet GID 586.19.39300  and 1826 move to Edslingetorp.
GID 586.19.58600 Edslingetorp
Son Nils Jonasson born 1825-02-06  
Kjerstin Jonasdotter 1824-11-15?
daughter Anna Maria born 1827
GID 586.20.86100 Edslingetorp 1829-1833
+ dr Cajsa 1829-03-29
+ son ?? 1841-09-30 can't read his name and can't find him in born that year.

2006-05-01, 16:03
Svar #25

Utloggad Ulla Lundell

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Hello Judy
I am related to the Ingevald family by my mothers father who was born 14 of March 1887 in Steneby
he died in 1967 in Steneby.  
All the best from Ulla

2006-05-01, 21:33
Svar #26

Knut Fredriksson

Jag söker uppgifter om far och mor till Bryngel Jansson född 1767 i Kambol, Ör - dog 1811 i Svicklingeby, Ör. Samt om hans maka Anna Jansdotter född 1776 i Svicklingeby, Ör - dog 1843 i Finnetorp, Grinstad. Hade de några barn?

2006-05-02, 22:20
Svar #27

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
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Hi Yvonne,
It's great to hear from you again. I misplaced your address and didn't know how to get back in touch with you. I need to get back to research in the early Frändefors records so I can remember what we were discussing last time.
Thanks for the readings of the place names. Yes, I knew that the child was Erik and not Nils. I don't know why I wrote Nils for #2.  
I had not yet seen GID # 714.13.2700. That is VERY helpful to me, especially since Nils Eriksson was found with his wife plus parents. Fantastic!
I had seen that record (GID #714.14.15400 with the son-in-law Nils Nilsson and knew it had to be my Nils Eriksson. His name was corrected by the next record. Thanks for pointing it out.
I hadn't yet seen all the records you listed, so thanks for providing them. I had seen the record in Brålanda (GID 586.12.92100) and knew that Erik had done something wrong but couldn't read it, and I also couldn't tell where he had gone. Thanks so much for helping with that!
GID 586.18.26200 Yes, this is the same Jonas Nilsson. Jonas was first married to Anna Maria Svensdotter but she died and he remarried to the widow of Anna Maria Svensdotters brother.
GID 714.16.62700 and GID 714.15.40600 Yes, Karin Jonsdotter was the second wife of Nils Eriksson. The first wife, Britta Olofsdotter, died 1 October 1791.
I'm not exactly confused but I need to study this information and build upon it. Thanks so much for your help, Yvonne!

2006-05-02, 22:34
Svar #28

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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Hi Ulla,
Thank you for this additional information. I certainly never expected this much information when I first asked about the name of the residence Ingevald's Berga. I am confused about Nils Eriksson's parents and birth place, but at least there is some information to check out.  

2006-05-02, 22:37
Svar #29

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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Hi Ulla,
Thank you for the information about your relationship to this family. I will need to sit down and study everything to understand that relationship but this will help. :-)

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