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Författare Ämne: Peterson, Charles b1864 in Gothenburg to Aus 1878  (läst 2229 gånger)

2010-06-23, 06:07
läst 2229 gånger

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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  • Antal inlägg: 7
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-03, 03:14
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I am seeking family information about Charles Peterson (my Great grandfather), born in Gothenburg on 2 Jan 1864 according to his naturalization application.  His father was Peter Peterson and he arrived at Port Pirie in South Australia on the 'Galatea' in 1878.  Family lore has it that he was a crew member and jumped ship.  He would have been 14 years old at the time.  In that sense he was not an official emigrant.  On the birth certificate of his daughter it says the informant was Charles R Peterson, brother.  I am seeking evidence of his birth in Gothenburg and family history information in relation to his family.

2010-06-26, 00:40
Svar #1

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-03, 03:14
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Information sought:
1.  Evidence of birth of Charles Peterson in Gothenburg on 2 Jan 1864.
2.  Who were his family?  Father was Peter, mother? brothers? sisters.
3.  What is the Swedish spelling of his name?
4.  Where would a listing of the crew of the Galatea in 1878 be found to confirm his presence?
I would appreciate any help.   Thanks.  Kent

2010-06-26, 09:34
Svar #2

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

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Can you explain the text about the birth certificate of Charles daughter. Who was the informant? Charles R Peterson, brother to whom?

2010-06-26, 09:54
Svar #3

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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He could be Pettersson, Petersson or Persson in Sweden. First name Carl or Karl. But Gothenburg is a big place with many parishes. One cannot be sure that he was actually born in that city, he could have been born in a nearby parish. I did look in seamen lost which is not a complete register, but I could not find a suitable person.

2010-06-29, 12:14
Svar #4

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-03, 03:14
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Thank you Chris for that information about possible names, and for searching the seaman lost Register, and also the information that searching in Gothenburg is not so easy due to the many parishes.  I have no documents that may assist in identifying which parish he came from.
Mats.  When a child is registered in Australia the name of the person who registered the birth and the relationship to that person is also recorded.  When the birth of my grandmother, Rita Mary Peterson, was registered in 1902 the name of the informant was listed as Charles R Peterson, brother.  I am assuming he was the brother of Charles Peterson (maybe Swedish - Carl Petersson) - my great grandfather.   I thought it strange though that there would be two Charles Petersons in the one family though, especially since his Naturalization document says his father was Peter Peterson.  How would 'Peter' be written in Swedish?

2010-06-29, 12:20
Svar #5

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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Just a couple of thoughts.  Were there an equal number of Parishes in Gothenburg in 1864 when Charles Peterson was born?   The fact that he was a seaman at age 14 - would this indicate that perhaps he came from a seafaring family?  His father may also have been a seaman?

2010-06-29, 16:57
Svar #6

Utloggad Susanna Auerbach

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I'll present a couple of alternatives just to show you how hard it is to find a possible Carl Petersson in Gothenburg at that time. As mentioned above, there are so many parishes and even if we find someone that matches, he could might as well be from a neighboring area, like Orust, and just gave Gothenburg as place of birth 'because'. It's happened before.  
#1 is a boy called Carl Oscar born Jan 1, 1864 in Gothenburg, Carl Johann annex parish. Parents; Peter Johan Norberg, Skeppsstafvare' (which indicates he worked with ships somehow, I don't know what the proper translation would be in this case). Mother; Eleonora Johanna Lundstrom.  
#2 From Gothenburg Gustavi parish;
Carl Johan, born Jan 3, 1864. Parents; Peter Fredrik Peterson (could be Petruson but it looks like they spelled most Peterson this way) and Kerstin Larsson.  
To know if these two are 'possible' we have to follow them and parents in the household exams. I have not listed anyone born on or around that day that does not have a father with a name that might be possible (even if the child is called Carl or similar). So, so far this leaves us with two children. Next step would be to try and see what happens in their lives.  
Also tried to find Galatea on
but that schooner is not listed that year. Are you 100 % sure about the year 1878?

2010-06-29, 18:35
Svar #7

Utloggad Håkan Eriksson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-06, 17:58
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How would 'Peter' be written in Swedish?
P-e-t-e-r is a perfectly fine spelling of the name in Swedish.
Keep in mind though that the pronunciation of the name is different in Swedish.
Currently there are (accordning to Statistics Sweden (in swedish: statistiska centralbyrån)) 112 009 men and 134 women in Sweden with the name Peter as given name, and an additional 134 persons who have it as surname.
An alternative name is Petter, which is used by 9 740 men as given name, and no women. With an additional 5 persons who use it as surname.

2010-06-30, 07:52
Svar #8

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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There are several ships by the name of Galatea/Galathea according to the ship´s register. But at least one is at home in Gothenburg and also appears in the ship´s lists from Australia. Captain was A. Vesterberg. The most likely place to find crew members is at the Seaman´s hiring agency (Sjömanshuset) in Gothenburg. A seaman had to belong to one of these agencies which exist in most ports. Unfortunately, the biggest one in Gothenburg is not filmed or scanned. Records are not very easy to work with, but if Charles Peterson was at sea he would be listed in their archives, wth a reference to the ship he was hired on.
The mail address for the National Archives office in Gothenburg (where the records are) is landsarkivet[at] They do charge for research, but you can always ask about the possibilities.
The Galathea, a brig, was owned by Björk&Engstöm Co in Gothenburg operating between 1852 and 1892. A Swedish specialist jounal, Longitude, has an article about a brig called Galathea which may be the same ship.  
Janson, Gunnar: Briggen Galathea.
Longitude Nr 32, Stockholm, 1996. pp 86-87, ill.  
(Meddelandet ändrat av izla 2010-06-30 08:01)

2010-06-30, 08:25
Svar #9

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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In the 1880 census, the first available online, there is a Carl Robert Pettersson born 1864 in Gothenburg, living as a foster son with Carl Johan Nordström and a widow, Josefina Fredrika Lindberg at Hus Nummer 133, Nyströmsgatan (House no 133, Nyström Street) in parish Göteborg Majorna rote 5. Now, the parishes in Gothenburg have always been confusing to me, and there is in 1880 no parish called Majorna in the archives list, I can´t even make out where to find them using the excellent archives list by Arkivguiden. Can someone with a greater knowledge of Gothenburg find this family in the household records? He may be still listed in 1880 but with a note of seaman, the birth date would also be in these records. He seems to be missing in the 1890 census.
There are over 300 persons with the name Carl born in the Gothenburg County area in 1864, listed in the 1880 census. The problem is that, being so young, he could have been listed with only his first name, surnames were only used after leaving home.
(Meddelandet ändrat av izla 2010-06-30 08:42)

2010-07-01, 06:00
Svar #10

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-03, 03:14
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Susanna, thank you for the further insight into the many Parishes in Gothenburg.  They are also interesting entries you have found.  In his Naturalization application completed on 13 July 1909, Charles (Carl?) stated: I arrived in Australia from Gothenburg on the _____(blank) day of June in the year 1878 per the Galatea and disembarked at the port of Port Pirie.  I would say that given he has stated 'June, 1878' it is likely that 1878 is a correct recollection even though it is made about 31 years after the event.  Also in his Statuatory Declaration at the back of his application he states: My name is Charles Petersson.  My age is 45 years and I was born on the 2nd day of January in the year 1864 at Gothenburg in the country of Sweden.  On his marriage certificate at the} Wesleyan Church at Beachport, South Australia, in 1891 he states his father's name and surname as Peter Peterson.
Håkan thank you for clarifying about 'Peter' in Swedish.

2010-07-01, 06:16
Svar #11

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-03, 03:14
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Chris.  Thank you kindly for the interesting information regarding the 'Galatea'.  I know that there were a number of ships by this name, however the one you have listed sounds very promising.  Also now you have given me a further source to search for more information (Sjömanshuset) I will email to the address that you have passed to me to see what can be found.  Thank you for that also along with the further research from the 1880 census.  The snippets of information about naming is also enlightening.  I can see I face many difficulties in tracking the origins of my great grandfather however I appreciate the assistance given to date.  I am hoping the clues given may lead to further information.

2010-07-01, 16:59
Svar #12

Utloggad Susanna Auerbach

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-09-30, 21:22
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Hi Kent,
Yes I think he was recalling the correct year, 1878. Question is when did they leave Gothenburg. It must have taken some time, and I'm sure you'll be able to verify that through the contacts Chris gave you. Meanwhile, I'll try and follow the two Carl born in Gothenburg to see what happened to them. Let's cross all our fingers!  

2010-07-02, 16:54
Svar #13

Utloggad Susanna Auerbach

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Some bad news. The one I thought was kind of interesting is clearly born on June 6. That is a little too off to be good. So to look closer into his life does not seem to make sense at the moment. Carl/Charles could have been born in just any of all surrounding parishes and maybe even further out in the area. It does not feel very meaningful to try and find him at the moment. We could need some more info abt him and his brother. Do you happen to know where he went, where he lived? Any dates, names? A Carl Robert Pettersson, born 1864 in Gothenburg, is living as a fosterson of Carl Johan Nordstrom in the 1880 census. That's a good Charles R match, but not good enough to look deeper into I think. We need more leads!  

2010-07-02, 18:12
Svar #14

Utloggad Susanna Auerbach

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In the 1890 Carl Robert is living with his divorced mother Fredrika f. Peterson, Lindberg. I am right now trying to find the birth in in Christine for Carl Robert. They live in Gbg Masthugg in 1890 as you can see. I can't find Carl Robert in the 1900 census. And yes, to earlier comments, I agree completely, doing research in Gothenburg is really awful! It's such a mess.  
Post 2743936
Peterson, Carl Robert
f. 1864 i Göteborgs Kristine (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland)
Ogift man, barn i familjen
5 Rot. 83 A & B
Göteborgs Masthugg (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland)
Födelseort i källan: Christine

2010-07-03, 03:14
Svar #15

Utloggad Kent Elliot

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-03, 03:14
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Susanna.  Thank you for all your efforts.   Really all I have is Charles' Naturalization application, marriage certificate and death information as well as details of course on his life in Australia.   He became a farmer and had 7 children, however I have no indication of any other Swedish relatives than those already indicated, or of his life in Sweden.   I can only hope that my mail to the National archives in Gothenburg yields some further information.   Perhaps some time in the future all the vital records for Sweden will be digitized and indexed to make this information more accessible.  In the meantime I can only hope my current enquires yield further clues.   If it would be of any use I can email copies of the documents that I have, but I have already passed on the essential information.   I have established a family tree in and my tree name is 'Elliot et al'.  If you were to visit this site and do a search for Charles Peterson you will see the information I have for him.  Thank you again for your help.

2011-08-01, 11:12
Svar #16

Utloggad Moderator USA

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Transfered from Discussions in English - Emigrants.

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