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Författare Ämne: Ericson, Carl Johan b1881 Valdemarsvik ? Utv 1906 ?  (läst 3490 gånger)

2015-11-19, 02:46
läst 3490 gånger

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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  • Antal inlägg: 12
  • Senast inloggad: 2018-03-29, 03:46
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Hi, forum members!
Still trying to get more information on my Grandfather, who arrived in Australia in 1906. We know most of what he did etc after 1906, but very very little of the before. We are not even certain where he was born.
If anyone is able to shed more light on the man, I would appreciate it.
Name: Carl Johan ERICSON
Born: 16 Sept 1881
Died: 1974
Place last lived: Mandurah, Western Australia
On applications that he filled out, for Naturalization in 1910, and for the Australian Imperial Forces, in 1916, he advised that he was from Ostergotland, and also Storangen, and Waldermarswik his spelling. I believe he meant Valdemarsvik. It was on his application to join the Australian Imperial Forces, that he noted that he was 1year 1 month Royal Guard and 3 year 8 months with Swedish Navy. Where would I find further info on this? he was enlisted in the AIF for less than a month, before they realised he was virtually blind in 1 eye
On an application for certificate of Naturalization, he wrote that he arrived in Port Pirie, South Australia aboard the Tropic, on 14 November 1906 from Sundsvaal, Sweden. I have not been able to confirm this ship.
I was always told that he was a captain, but resigned his post and crewed as a seaman back to Australia, so that he could jump ship, to be with his future wife, who was from Adelaide, South Australia. They married and remained together till he passed in 1974
He said he had a next of kin, Ellen, from Storangen. But that is all we know.
I did find a Carl Johan born in Gryt, Valdermasvik, on the correct date, listing a mother and no father, We also found several siblings from that Mother, all with no father. I do understand how/why that may have occurred, but I have not been able to verify that these records are actually on my grandfather, as we have not been able to find other info on him.  
A couple of scan, from his applications below. 2 scan are similar, but actually slightly different




2015-11-19, 11:10
Svar #1

Utloggad Ann Persson

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Hi Craig, I will try to give you some information in bad English. When Carl Johan was born his two elder siblings, no father, were dead. His mother Anna Lovisa is registered as widow [Gryt AI:35 p 366}. In (Gryt AI:43 p 446} there were three more sisters born, no father mentioned.
In the next Church book [Gryt AI:45 p 953] Anna Lovisa was on mental Hospital in Vadstena and the Children lived under the comunity. In [Gryt AIIa:3 p 788] three of the Children moved out.
Carl Johan moved first as farm labourer to Tryserum 1897, to Östra Ed 1898 and than to Stockholm 1899. There he lived unmarried as a sailor. He was registered in Sjömanshuset in Stockholm 1903 with number 508 [Sjöm.h. Sthlm DIc:8 p 170}. He signed on the bark Trophic in Sundsvall June 7 1906 [Sjöm.h. Sthlm D1a:161 p 434] and in the book for Trophic you can se there were more of the crew who jumped ship.
Hope you have access to the above mentioned books. If not please let me know and I will try to send some copies to you. Good Luck. Ann

2015-11-19, 11:55
Svar #2

Utloggad Krister Rundqvist

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Hi Craig,
Anna Lovisa was a single mother that had 6 children outside wedlock, no father mentioned.
Karl August b.1877-01-30 d.1877-02-06
Anna Karolina b.1878-12-14 d.1878-12-22
Karl Johan b.1881-09-16
Anna Evelina b. 1886-12-25
Hilda Viktoria b. 1888-10-12
Elin Amanda b.1893-04-19
All children born in Bergstugan, Gryt, Östergötland
Karl Johan was transferred to the book of nonexisting (missing) persons in 1910 (Storkyrkoförsamlingen BIa:50 (1904-1905) Bild 820 / sid 79 nr 56)
Anna Lovisa dies 1925-04-15 in Nyköpings hospital from Bronchopneumonia (Gryt F:6 (1895-1929) Bild 139 / sid 131)

2015-11-19, 15:12
Svar #3

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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  • Antal inlägg: 12
  • Senast inloggad: 2018-03-29, 03:46
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Wow! Thanks ever so much for this!
I had found Anna Lovisa Johansdotter and 6 children, but because I could find nothing more on Granddad, I had to assume that this other info may not have been correct.
My wife and I recently spend a glorious 3 month holiday in the UK, a holiday many, many years in the planning. We spent an all too brief  5 days in Sweden, and even went to Gryt, and visited the parish (it was closed) and graveyard. I long to go back again in a few years, and dearly want any info I can get on this man.
I would still like to know about his supposed Navy service and Royal Guard service. Could this have actually been fabricated?
Also, I have been able to find a ship Tropic, but not Trophic. Any more info/pic?
(Meddelandet ändrat av Cwericson 2015-11-19 15:33)

2015-11-19, 15:49
Svar #4

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2018-03-29, 03:46
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So, presumeably, this is one of the entries noted?
I see the name Karl Johan, but whats the 3rd word?
I see the name Anna Lovisa, and the blank entry for father. (the only one on the page!) but I cannot make out what it all reads.
I have a few scans, but I would definately appreciate any more that would be offered.
Grandad has 34 relatives here in OZ, including 6 Great Great grandchildren.
Thanks again

2015-11-19, 15:53
Svar #5

Utloggad Krister Rundqvist

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Hi Craig,
oäkta means that he was born out of wedlock

2015-11-19, 16:03
Svar #6

Utloggad Carl Wolf

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According to the Swedish Death Index 1901-2009 CD, the sister Elin Amanda died 1 Aug 1912.  Socknen means parish, probably she was not registered at any specific address in the parish.
Pettersson, Elin Amanda
Dead 8/1/1912.
Registered in Ringarum (Östergötlands län, Östergötland).
Born 4/19/1893 in Gryt (Östergötlands län, Östergötland).
Unmarried woman.
Corresponding parish(es) as of Jan 1, 2010: Ringarum, Valdemarsviks kn (Östergötlands län, Östergötland)
Parish of birth in the records: Gryt (Östergötland)
Source records: SCB

2015-11-19, 16:13
Svar #7

Utloggad Kristina Gunnarsdotter

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Here is the picture from the parish book. On top is Anna Lovisa's mother, Anna Brita Sjögren. The two older siblings are marked dead. Karl Johan's name Ericson indicates that his father's name was Eric.
Gryt AI:35 (1876-1881) Bild 181 / sid 366 (AID: v25766.b181.s366, NAD: SE/VALA/00104)

(Meddelandet ändrat av Kristina1 2015-11-19 16:14)

2015-11-19, 18:43
Svar #8

Utloggad Maud Svensson

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When Karl/Carl Johan Eriksson/Ericson left Östra Ed 20 Oct 1899 he intended to go to Jakob parish, Stockholm city, but changed his mind and went to Skånela parish, Uppland province, Stockholm county, where he was registered 23 Nov 1899 and worked as a farmhand till 14 March 1900 when he moved to Adolf Fredrik parish, Stockholm city.
He registered in Adolf Fredrik 23 March 1900. Laborer. Moved to Johannes parish, Stockholm city, 3 July 1900. Laborer. Stayed there until 4 Jan 1901 when he moved to Värmdö parish, Uppland province, Stockholm county. Farmhand. From Värmdö 11 Oct 1901 to Kårsta parish, Uppland province, Stockholm county. Farmhand. From Kårsta 5 Sep 1902 to Veckholm parish, Uppland province, Uppsala county. Farmhand. From Veckholm 4 Apr 1903 to Jakob, Stockholm city.
Between 16 Feb 1904 and 12 Apr 1905 Karl Johan Eriksson served as a sapper in the Royal Navy of Sweden, Stockholm (Skeppsholm AIIa:35 page 132).
Hälsar vänligen

2015-11-19, 21:18
Svar #9

Utloggad Anita Cederquist

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Hi Craig,
I am Anita from Gryt, who helped you to search for Bergstugan. You were going to break up from the guesthouse shortly then. Did you find the cottage in Gryt (now in Valdemarsvik)?
I have found a person, who lives. He is a son of Carl Johan´s sisters, Anna Evelina, daugter and I gave that information to the gueshouse. I don´t know if you got it before you left.

2015-11-19, 23:56
Svar #10

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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Thanks very very much to everyone for finding out all this. If only I had known about this forum before we went, our trip would have been quite different.
Anita: YES! we raced from Gryt to the Forsamling place, and spent some time there, but we were unable to find more on Carl at that time. We did drive along that road looking for the Bergstugan. We have been back home well over a month, but have been very busy, and only this week made an effort to do some more digging on Grandpop. We also went to the library.
Would be keen to obtain contact details of relatives...
Any further info is greatly appreciated.

2015-11-20, 13:43
Svar #11

Utloggad Anita Cederquist

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Craig, excuse my bad English.
I am sending you an email. We must not here in the forum to write about living people. Has today spoken with the person who was very happy when I heard the of me.

2015-11-20, 16:20
Svar #12

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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Cheers for that Anita. I'll keep and eye out for the email.
Maud: Thank you! It would seem that Carl may not have had enough time to also be a royal guard, perhaps?
Also, it seems that Carl was quite dilligent about registering their locations with the various Parish's. Was there a reason for this, or is it usual, or required? And how did one do this? Would you have a sample of how it would look?
Thank you.
Kristina: Thank you. It seems somewhat strange to me to see that the names have simply been struck though like that. It is sad that they lived such a short time.
Also, I have still not been able to find the Bark, Trophic...  
Thanks again

2015-11-20, 16:34
Svar #13

Utloggad Krister Rundqvist

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2015-11-20, 17:39
Svar #14

Utloggad Maud Svensson

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Before moving out of a parish, you had to notify the parish minister who would give you a certificate* (flyttningsbetyg/flyttningsattest) to bring to the minister of the new parish. Your move was noted in the moving out book (utflyttningslängd) as well in the household examination book (husförhörslängd). In the new parish you were registered in the moving in book (inflyttningslängd) and in the household examination book.
* The certificate included your name, date and place of birth, occupation, civil status, your frejd (= carachter/reputation) and, of course, where you moved from and where you intended to go.
Hälsar vänligen

2015-11-20, 18:51
Svar #15

Utloggad Maud Svensson

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Some additional information on Swedish population registration, today and in the past:
Hälsar vänligen

2015-11-22, 04:48
Svar #16

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2018-03-29, 03:46
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Hi everyone.
From what I have seen, after all these amazing responses, I have been able to complete a great deal of the history of my Gandfather. I thank you all.
I make the following notes:
Anna Lovisa (Johansdotter) Born: about 1852    Passed:15/04/1925
Karl August Born: 30/01/1877 Passed: 6/02/1877  
Anna Karolina Born: 14/12/1878 Passed: 22/12/1878  
Karl Johan Born: 16/09/1881  Passed 1974  
Anna Evelina Born: 25/12/1886 Passed:  
Hilda Viktoria Born: 12/10/1888  Passed:  
Elin Amanda Born: 19/04/1893 Passed 8/01/1912  
Would anyone be able to advise me further on the event of Anna Evelina and Hilda Viktoria?
Also, the only record I could find advises that Anna Lovisa was born about 1852.
Any more info regarding Elin Amanda's early passing?
I now have a lead on a living Swedish relative, wondering if I have any more!
warmest regards from Oz.

2015-11-22, 07:50
Svar #17

Utloggad Krister Rundqvist

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Hi Craig,
Hilda Viktoria Kraft dies 1940-10-24 in Stockholm, living in Mäster Samuelsgatan 33. She has worked as a waitress and servant on serveral places in Stockholm. She´s unmarried when she passes away.
Anna Evelina moves to Stockholm in 1904 and changes her name to Anna Evelina Kraft Pettersson and gives birth to a daughter Ingrid Ingeborg Evelina born on 1910-03-28 in Matteus parish, Stockholm, the child moves away from Anna Evelina in 1917 when Anna Evelina moves to Falun, Dalecarlia. In 1918-04-06 Anna Evelina marries Gustaf Helmer Sundström born 1893-12-18 in Vika, Dalecarlia. He is a merchant. In 1921 they adopt a boy Karl Erik John born 1920-01-06 in Dalarö. Anna Evelina changes her name to Eva Anna Evelina. She passes away in 1942-09-22 in Karlstad, and is buried in Vika, Dalecarlia. Gustaf Helmer remarries in 1949 with Anna Evelina´s daughter Ingrid Ingeborg Evelina OOOPS! They had a son born in 1949. Ingrid Ingeborg Evelina dies 2000-08-31 in Falun. Karl Erik John born in 1920 dies 2003-01-11 in Grycksbo, he was unmarried.

2015-11-22, 09:53
Svar #18

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2018-03-29, 03:46
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Thank you very much for that.  
That was the next thing I am up against.. Do I try to collate all of the future generations of relatives or do I stop?
I'm am very glad that I am finding out all this, though, so thank you very very much.
I responded to your email, but it bounced back.  
So I emailed you via your profile....
Cheers Craig

2015-11-22, 14:44
Svar #19

Utloggad Carl Wolf

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Hi Craig, the SCB death records for Ringarum (1898-1920, Image 143) available at indicate that Elin Amanda died of lungsot, which is tuberculosis.

2015-11-22, 15:14
Svar #20

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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Thank you Carl.
Carl Johan had TB when he was younger, and it was listed as contributing on his death cert.
Thank you!

2015-11-29, 11:27
Svar #21

Utloggad Craig Ericson

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Hi, everyone
Today, we had a big family reunion, and had a great time discussing all the info that everyone has so generously supplied.
A couple of cousins have asked me to direct a couple of new questions at you all, to get some answers to questions that they have:
Sandra asks: Does Carl Johan have any connection to the Boer war either as a soldier or as a supplier of horses?
( we believe he was tasked with finding and purchasing suitable stock for this conflict)
Lance askes: Is there any infomation available as to where Anna Lovisa Johansdotter may have been working , or lived during the period 1877 to 1893. Would it be unreasonable to ask about persons that she may have worked for?  
 And, is there any knowledge if any of the siblings other than Carl, left Sweden to head to other countries?
again, thanks to you all, very much, for your assistance.
warmest regards, Craig

2015-11-29, 12:04
Svar #22

Utloggad Claes-Göran Magnusson

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Also, the only record I could find advises that Anna Lovisa was born about 1852.
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