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Författare Ämne: Dalman, Charles b 1836 (abt) Sweden. Austr 1859 ?  (läst 1119 gånger)

2006-03-20, 07:02
läst 1119 gånger

Carolyn Floyd

  • Gäst
I have met a brick wall in the search for my g grandfather Charles Dalman. According to his death certificate (1921) he arrived in Victoria, Australia in about 1859. No entry in Victorian shipping records found as yet. His Victorian marriage certificate gives birth place as Vaxholm and his father's name and occupation as Erik, tailor. His mother's name may have been Catherine. I have subscribed to the Swedish church records online and searched the parish registers (Charles Dalman, Carl, Dahlman) for Vaxholm from 1832 to 1842 without success. Perhaps he was born in an ajoining parish. Can anyone help me?

2006-03-20, 18:41
Svar #1

Bo Johansson

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Or he took the name Dalman later. So you would have to look for the birt of Karl/Carl, son of Erik. I imagine there would be a number of these...
// Bo Johansson

2006-03-23, 08:29
Svar #2

Carolyn Floyd

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I hope he didn't take the name Dalman later, but thank your for the suggestion of searching Karl/Carl son of Erik. I've done that now in Genline for the parish of Vaxholm and saved the results in case something comes to light later. I am visiting Stockholm in 3 weeks so will go to Vaxholm just to have a look. Have also searched the household accounts for different periods - no luck. Is Vaxholm a stand alone parish, or are there ajoining parishes I could search also?

2006-03-23, 10:22
Svar #3

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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A search in the 1890 census gave a hit for a Dalman at Lindby, Adelsö.  
2428.8.50500  [Stockholm]  Adelsö,  AI.16, Household examination, 1886-1895, 244-0,  Page 200 of 212    
I also found a Peter Dalman born 1811 with son Johan Eric born 1837.  
2428.16.33800  [Stockholm]  Adelsö,  AI.10, Husförhör, 1856-1860, 152-0,  Page 165 of 192      
So now you have another parish with Dalmans!
Good luck

2006-03-25, 03:06
Svar #4

Carolyn Floyd

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Thank you so much Olle. This is very promising as Charles Dalman named one of his son's John Erick. I'm thrilled to have a new parish to search and will search Genline tomorrow. Does anyone know of a map of parishes for Stockholm? I have not been able to find anything on the web.

2006-03-25, 09:08
Svar #5

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2019-03-22, 19:32
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I do hope you find yout roots even if this Johan Eric still in Sweden 1890.
If you send me your e-mail address to me I will send some parish-maps covering the Stockholm area.

2006-03-27, 10:07
Svar #6

Carolyn Floyd

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I have the parish maps, thank you very much. I have a much better feel for where the Dalman families were now, and will enjoy visiting the different areas. Now back to Genline to try and track down Charles Dalman.

2006-04-03, 03:42
Svar #7

Carolyn Floyd

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My genline searches through several parishes for Carl Dalman/Dahlman born about 1837 have not yeilded any results. He gave Vaxholm as place of birth on marriage certificate but this does not seem to be right. I have tried following various Dalmans from parish to parish in the hope that I might find a lead with no success. He named a son John Erik, so I've looked for variations of that name also. He arrived in Australia in the 1850s probably the second half. He was in Victoria by 1859. Are there emigration records that I could search?

2006-04-03, 12:13
Svar #8

Utloggad Inga Olsson

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This is very, very unsure.
In Adelsö, Stockholm county there is a man born 02/13/1840 to Petter Dalman and Anna Catharina Andersdotter, whose name is Carl August.
He has a brother born 01/30/1837, whose name is John Erik (Johan Erik). In the church-books I cannot find Carl August, but his brother is still living in Adelsö 1890.

2006-04-03, 18:06
Svar #9

Utloggad Bodil Josefsson

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Carl August mentioned by Inga above leaves Adelsö 1856-10-24 according to GID 2428.17.43300

I?m not familiar with the parishes in Stockholm, so I hope someone else can read where to.
Regards Bodil

2006-04-03, 18:13
Svar #10

Bodil J

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SORRY, this man's name was Carl Petter, not Carl August. It is probably not right...  

2006-04-04, 00:41
Svar #11

Carolyn Floyd

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Inga, Bodil, thank you for the searches. I had great hopes for the Adelso Dalmans but followed Carl Petter from parish to parish and although there may be a connection I can't find it. My g grandfather Carl Dalman gave his father's name as Erik, but that hasn't lead anywhere either. According to Carl D's marriage certificate, Erik was a tailor. Are there any trade directories for Sweden in the mid 19th century that I could look up? I will be in Stockholm in 2 weeks.

2010-09-01, 00:26
Svar #12

Utloggad Leigh Dalman

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Hi Carolyn,
I was very excited to find your posts regarding Charles Dalman.  He is my g.g.grandfather - through Herbert and Jack. I noticed that the posts are from some time ago, and was wondering if you had managed to discover any further information on your travels, as for some time I have been hitting the same brick wall you did.
Although I have little to offer, I would very much like to exchange information on Charles or Eliza.
Kind regards, Leigh Dalman

2011-08-01, 11:19
Svar #13

Utloggad Moderator USA

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Transfered from Discussions in English - Emigrants

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