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Författare Ämne: Catharina Korsman born 1812 in Franninge  (läst 1208 gånger)

2006-01-28, 20:25
läst 1208 gånger

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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I am so hoping to find the Parents of Catharina who was born about 1812. She was 41 years old when her daughter Anna was born in 1853 in Franninge
I will be very happy if this information can be found.
Many thanks!

2006-01-28, 23:50
Svar #1

Utloggad Bodil Josefsson

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The birthdate of Catharina is according to the book of parish catechetical meeting (in Fränninge parish 1850 - 1855) 1811-09-21.  The parish she was born in is harder. Hopefully some friends on this site can read it, and find Catharina for you!
Good luck / Bodil

2006-01-29, 10:46
Svar #2

Utloggad Ingvar Kristiansson

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The writing looks like Stockholm to me.
// Ingvar

2006-01-29, 10:47
Svar #3

Susanna De Quarto

  • Gäst
Hi there Bodil and Georgina,
Looks like Stockholm to me (and Fredrik is born in Starrarp ?)! Looks like an S and T there too. Pehr is born in Bjelkshult. My guess is on Stockholm - not too far away from Hönsholma and Perstorp as far as I remember. So, hopefully someone out here can look it up.  
Kindest regards,

2006-01-29, 11:34
Svar #4

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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Thanks to everyone who has given answers to my question!
Oh, yes I have found so many 'Friends' who help find my ancestors in Sweden.
I think perhaps the parents of Catharina Korsman could be Carl Fredrik Korsman and Catharina Sofia Carlsdotter. How can we find out for sure?
Susanna, the Stockholm you remember - is it in Franninge Parish?
Many thanks!

2006-01-29, 12:11
Svar #5

Susanna De Quarto

  • Gäst
Good morning Georgina,
The Stockholm I'm talking about is to be found just outside Perstorp (L). Here's a link (in English) that might help.

2006-01-29, 17:35
Svar #6

Utloggad Anders Berg

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Most likely Catharina Korsman was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, not the small village called Stockholm in Perstorp parish at a considerable distance from Fränninge.
You are probably right about her parents, but I was not able to confirm it in the Fränninge household examination records 1813-1818. Carl Fredrik Korsman was a soldier and children are born in Fränninge from 1819 and later.
I found C F Korsman dead in Björka parish 7 February 1850. He came to Björka as a widower from Fränninge in 1846. He is said to be born in Finland 1772.
Good luck in your search.

2006-01-29, 20:20
Svar #7

Utloggad Anders Berg

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Here is confirmation that Catharina is Carl Fredrik Korsman's daughter. When her first illegitimate child was born, she was living temporarily with her father. This is a picture from the household examination record 1836-1839 for Starrarp No 7 in Fränninge:

fränninge hfl 1839 GID 1220.25.40300

2006-01-29, 21:38
Svar #8

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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  • Antal inlägg: 716
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-03, 17:07
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Thanks to everyone for all your help! I am most grateful for your kindness!
Now when I look at the image that Bodil Josephsson sent, the birth place of Catharina's last two children looks to me like Björka - the place where Carl Korsman died.
I had thought is was Bjelkhult.

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