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Författare Ämne: Help translating Swedish on back of photo postcard  (läst 2649 gånger)

2019-10-22, 21:29
läst 2649 gånger

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Antal inlägg: 150
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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I am in need of help translating the words on the back of a photo postcard. My father has written G. Gp. Forsten on the back. That would most likely be his Great Grandfather Jonas Forsten from Sweden. I have wondered for years what was written on the back, and if it could in any way help identify the other people in the photo (other family members?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2019-10-22, 22:07
Svar #1

Utloggad Stefan Dake

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-11-13, 16:22
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"If you ever receive
these cards, write
some lines to us.
How is mother?
I never get any answers from
anyone. Many regards
from us. These photos
are not good because it was almost
dark when they were taken. Grandfather
is alive and is quite well so he is
up most of the time."
Stefan Dake

2019-10-23, 00:06
Svar #2

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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Thank you Stefan, I greatly appreciate the help!

2019-10-23, 18:35
Svar #3

Utloggad Marianne Karlsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-10-18, 16:30
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Hi, I read that and only want to add:  Morfar = maternal grandfather (but perhaps you know that already, just in case...)
Regards, Marianne

2019-10-28, 21:41
Svar #4

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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Thank you for pointing that out for me Marianne, I did not know that. It adds more to the mystery of who wrote the letter and to whom it was addressed!

2019-10-28, 22:20
Svar #5

Utloggad Sven Andersson

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  • Antal inlägg: 1142
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-10-05, 12:21
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Here's a Forsten family, headed by Jonas. Brita Maja and Carl Gustaf emigrated in 1892 and 1891. Are they yours?

Post 815669

Jonsdotter Forssten, Britta Maria
Piga (unmarried woman)

b. 12/9/1865 in Nyed, Värmlands län (Värmland)

Emigrated 10/20/1892
from Näs, Nyed, Värmlands län (Värmland)
to Nordamerika

0411892030 - Bilaga/ytterligare information finns. Kontakta Emigrantregistret i Karlstad

Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 664

Emibas migration file ID: Nyed S 1892 030
Post 798950

Forssten, Karl Gustaf
Hemmason (unmarried man)

b. 1/21/1868 in Övre Ullerud, Värmlands län (Värmland)

Emigrated 3/20/1891
from Smedserud, Övre Ullerud, Värmlands län (Värmland)
to Nordamerika

0071891005 - Bilaga/ytterligare information finns. Kontakta Emigrantregistret i Karlstad

Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 378

Emibas migration file ID: Övre Ullerud S 1891 005
Efternamn:   FORSSTEN
Förnamn:     K G
Ålder:       23            Kön: M
Född: 1867/1868
Församling:  ÖVRE ULLERUD    Län: S
Utresehamn:  GÖTEBORG
Utvandrdag:  1891 04 03
Destination: ASHLAND
Medåkande:   NEJ
Källkod:     44:369:38747

2019-10-28, 22:25
Svar #6

Utloggad Sven Andersson

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  • Antal inlägg: 1142
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-10-05, 12:21
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Another emigrant.

Post 817436

Forsten, Emma Kristina
Jungfru (unmarried woman)

b. 5/15/1871 in Övre Ullerud, Värmlands län (Värmland)

Emigrated 9/25/1893
from Uddersrud, Ransäter, Värmlands län (Värmland)
to Nordamerika

0091893055 - Bilaga/ytterligare information finns. Kontakta Emigrantregistret i Karlstad

Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 305

Emibas migration file ID: Ransäter S 1893 055

Un-normalized versions:

Parish of birth: Övre Ullerrud

2019-10-29, 17:09
Svar #7

Utloggad Sven Andersson

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1142
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-10-05, 12:21
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Britta Maria Forsten (1865-12-09) had two illegitimate children born in Sweden.
- Amanda Axelia Forsten was born 1886-09-17 in Nyed parish, Värmland.
- Hedvig Amalia Hedlund was born 1890-10-27 in Övre Ullerud, Värmland (but  was registered in Nyed, where her mother lived).

Britta emigrated in 1892 and Amanda lived with her grandparents, Brittas parents Jonas and Maria Forsten.
On 1909-10-31 Amanda married Olof Lennart Nordqvist (1885-07-24). They had two children.
- Olga Elvira, 1910-04-04
- Olof Edvard, 1912-08-12

Britta's mother Maria died 1915-05-01. In her estate inventory Britta is listed among the heirs. Britta's father Jonas died 1920-09-09 and Britta is listed as deceased.

I believe the card was sent in 1915-1920 and the writer who asks for her mother's health, is Amanda Axelia Forsten. It is also she, her husband, children and morfar Jonas in the photo.

Mellansysslets domsagas häradsrätt (S) FII:36 (1915) Bild 4060 / sid 33
Mellansysslets domsagas häradsrätt (S) FII:42 (1921) Bild 560 / sid 26

2019-10-29, 19:19
Svar #8

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 150
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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Greetings Sven!
I think you might be correct, and I am left speechless. Yes, Karl Gustaf Forssten (Forsten) is my great-grandfather. He immigrated to Ashland, Wisconsin and that is where my paternal grandmother and my father were born. My family visited his grave in Ashland, WI this past summer. I found a letter in with the postcard photo that appears to be written by the same hand. I know it gives the date of Jonas Forssten's death but I have not translated anything else from the letter. Reading over what you have said I think I can make out the names Olle and Olga on page 3 (see attached image). It looks like there was originally more to the letter but this is all that has survived. I am excited to hear if this confirms your thoughts on the matter.

I did not know that Karl made a previous trip to America before he finally settled here, nor the information on Britta Maria. I knew that Jonas had an Anna, Johannes, Britta Maria (1868-?) and a Karl Gustaf (my great-grandfather). So this is all news to me.

Let me know if this confirms your suspicions.


2019-10-29, 22:41
Svar #9

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 150
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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Dear Sven,

I have taken the time to carefully look over what you said and I believe you are 100% correct. Even the apparent ages of the children pictured match what Olga and Olof should be. I never knew that my great-grandfather had siblings who also came to America. It is apparent that Amanda was writing her uncle Karl inquiring about the health and well being of her mother Britta as she had not heard anything from her.

Now I know who is in the photo. My great-great-grandfather Jonas Forssten, my 1st cousin 2x removed Amanda (with spouse), and her children Olga and Olof, my 2nd cousins 1x removed.
P.S. I misread earlier about the immigration dates and can see now that Karl came in 1891 and Britta in 1892. My mistake.
Many, many thanks!

2019-11-03, 23:49
Svar #10

Utloggad Erik Mouwitz

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  • Antal inlägg: 126
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-04, 20:07
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I could not resist taking on the challenge of transcribing and translating the letter you included. I hope you find it interesting.

From the lack of punctuation and capitalisation and occasional spelling mistakes, it is clear that the person who wrote it did not normally write a lot. This makes the letter difficult to understand sometimes, but I have done my best to construct proper sentences from it in my translation.
The first page contains a short and simple, but rather beautiful poem, that I have tried to do justice in English.
As you say, there was once more to the letter; it ends in the middle of a sentence.

Here's the letter, in Swedish and English:


Jonas Forssten
avled den 9 september stilla
och fridfullt i en ålder av
84 år 9 mån 9 dagar, sörjd
och i tacksamt minne bevarad
av oss barn, barnbarn, barnbarnsbarn.

Av åren tyngd och av plågor trött
Vår kära morfar sov godt sov sött
vi bädda dig ned i den stilla ro
vi bädda dig mjukt i dess tysta bo
vi unna dig vila och ro.
Jordfästningen ägde rum i
Ransäters kyrka Sönd 19 sept k 1/4

Kära anhöriga
jag får nu skriva några ord till
eder som ni ser så har vi
ingen morfar mer han har kämpat
striden till slut det
var så svårt för honom på slutet
han har varit så dålig hela
vintern så vi förstod att hans dagar
voro få. i våras var han bättre så
han var uppe och knallade men som
kom en afton kom bråket fram
och vi kunde inte få det tillbaka
det var så illa den natten så ni
kan inte tro på morron fick Lennart
ta honom och resa meningen var
till Karlstad lasarett men på

vägen ville morfar de skulle
stanna i Forshaga hos Docktorn
där, och han tog det tillbaka, sen
hälsa de på moster Anna hon bor
i huset näst doktorns han ville
att morfar skulle stanna hos henne
en tid, fjorton dar därefter var barnen
och jag ner och såg till honom då var han
så kry så han mötte vid station sen
var han med Olle och Olga och viste
dem så butiker och skyltfönster och det var så roligt men
moster ville att han skulle stanna längre
vi gjorde då upp att Mitander skulle
följa honom på tåget å vi skulle möta
vid Ransäter, när han skulle resa hem men inte långt efteråt
kom telefonbud att om vi vill se
honom i livet skulle vi resa nu

så har det gått hela sommaren men de
var så snälla vid honom vi talade om
att ta hem honom men han sa sjelv
att när han skulle ligga i sängen så
jorde det detsamma så hadde moster
intet annat att sköta när hon skickade
Mitander till arbetet. Du har så mycket
annat att göra så du skall vara glad
du slipper mig för jag är allt så
besvärlig nu brukade han säga åt
mig iblan, men han ville att en skulle
komma till honom han väntade jämt
så vi har varit det nästan var fjortonde dag
barnen lärde sig resa ensamma
men hemlengtan blev större på slutet
jag ville ta hem honom men moster
ville inte det har inte gått att haft

Jonas Forssten
Passed away 9 September calmly and peacefully at an age of 84 years, 9 months, 9 days, mourned and preserved in grateful memory by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Weighed down by years and by illnesses plight
Dear grandfather, sleep well, sleep tight
We put you to bed in stillness and rest
We tuck you into  that soft and silent nest
We grant you peace and rest

The funeral took place in Ransäter church on Sunday the 19th of September, 2 pm.
Dear relatives
I had to write you a few words. As you can see, we no longer have a grandfather. He fought his battle to its end. It was hard for him towards the end.
He was so ill throughout the winter that we realised he did not have long left. This spring he was better, and was out of bed, walking around, but one evening his hernia came out and we could not get it back. You could not believe how bad that night was. In the morning Lennart took him along and intended to go to the hospital in Karlstad, but on the way grandfather wanted to stop in Forshaga, and visit the doctor there, who got the hernia back in.
Then they visited Aunt Anna who lives in the house next to the doctors. The doctor wanted him to stay with Anna for a time. Fourteen days later, the children and I came to visit him, and by then he was healthy enough to meet us at the train station. Then he took along Olle and Olga to show them shops and shop windows which was so much fun. Auntie wanted him to stay longer. We agreed that Mitander would accompany him on the train, and we would meet them at Ransäter when he was to go home. But not long after that, we received a telephone message, saying that if we wanted to see him alive we would have to travel there immediately.
But then the whole summer went, and they were so kind to him. We talked about getting him home, but he said himself, that if he was only to lie in bed, it did not matter where. Auntie did not have anything but him to take care of, when Mitander was at work. Sometimes he told me “you have so many other things to do, so you should be happy to be rid of me, I’m tiresome sometimes”. But he did want to be visited. He was always waiting for us, and we were there almost every fourteen days. The children learned how to travel there themselves. His homesickness grew towards the end. I wanted to take him home, but Auntie did not want that. It has not been possible to.... 

All the best

2019-11-12, 19:14
Svar #11

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Antal inlägg: 150
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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Dear Erik,
Thank you so very, very much for taking the time to translate the letter for me. I have copied it off and will share with my father later today when I visit him.
Bradley Bystrom

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