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Författare Ämne: Two Questions About 1756 Hulared Husförhörslängder  (läst 678 gånger)

2019-08-31, 04:17
läst 678 gånger

Utloggad John Friberg

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-10-26, 00:49
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Looking at SE/GLA/13226/A I/1, Bild 58, Sida 4 (SVAR), at the very bottom of page 4, is the location Tomten Gryttared?

Additionally, on the following page, Bild 59, Sida 6, at the very top of page 6, can anyone tell what is written for the origin places of Olof Gustafson (age 30) and Annecka Hansdotter (age 25)?

Tack på förhand!


2019-08-31, 09:07
Svar #1

Utloggad Staffan Bergh

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  • aka festerman
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    • BFiles
The location at the bottom on page 4* in the booklet ("längd") for 1756 (there are several page 4's in that "book" ...) is "Tompten", in modern day Tomten, which from the map appears to be a farm? in Gyttered.

On page 6 in the same "längd", the location of Olof Gustafsson, 30, and his wife Annika Hansdotter, 25, is written as "ibidem", i.e. "the same place" (as before/above). On the page before the farm name is "Stombe", I think -- there's a modern day farm kalled Stommen in Hulared. The notations after their names is not where they came from, but simply "man", "hustru", "dotter", "flicka".

mvh /staffan

* Hulared (P) AI:1 (1748-1830) sid 4, 1756 (Arkiv Digital: Bild 28 / AID: v5306.b28.s5, Riksarkivet: Bild 58 / Bildid: C0043846_00058), NAD: SE/GLA/13226)
mvh /staffan -- BFiles

2019-09-01, 03:41
Svar #2

Utloggad John Friberg

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  • Antal inlägg: 139
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-10-26, 00:49
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Thank you for your help Staffan!  Very much appreciated.

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