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Författare Ämne: Help reading a orphan record.  (läst 1749 gånger)

2019-05-09, 19:45
läst 1749 gånger

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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I have located the record for my great-great-great grandmother Johanna Sophia Dahlberg from her time at Allmänna Barnhus orphanage in Stockholm but am seeking help in reading it (see attachment). Here is what I can read (please correct me if I am mistaken). Her name is Johanna Sophia Dahlberg, born 04 Nov 1810. Mother Piga Ulrica Dahlberg. She arrived either the 22nd or 15th of Jan 1811 and stayed till 27 Mar 1816 (five years). There is something written next to her year of birth that I cannot make out, and the body of the record is a mystery to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

2019-05-09, 20:04
Svar #1

Utloggad Kalle Birgersson

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I can't make out all of it either, but I think it says that she is raised by sugar refinery worker Lundgren at 45 Falkenberg street, after that Erik Andersson in Hilleshög village in Hilleshög parish, Cath. Eklund at 5 Kamakar street and some more

2019-05-09, 20:14
Svar #2

Utloggad Anti Poika

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OK, bbystrom and huggorm,  I have tried to write down the Swedish text.
The text next to the birth year is a mystery to me!

Uppfostras af
Sockerbruksdrängen S?und-
gren [maybe only Sund] på Falkenbergsgatan
No 45 ?? Timmerman. ??? af ?
stat-Torparen Erik Andersson
i Hilleshög By - Hilleshögs socken
???  af m.
Tim. Hustru Cath Eklund, Kam[m]akar
Gatan No 5 Qw[Kvarter] Wingrån? - ??? af ?
falkenbergsgatan 8, Timmerman
Kammakargatan 5 Wing ???

1815 april, 1., ???, Årligt underhåll: 12
??? De??is d. 3/5 L?
[difficult row to read for a non childcare inspector ;)]

1816 Mars, 27., Intagen på Barnhuset No 38

Everything here is about where she lived or the person responsible for custody.

"Addresses" where she possibly lived:
Falkenbergsgatan 45
Falkenbergsgatan 8
Kammakargatan 5
Hilleshög by, Hilleshögs parish
Mvh Anti

2019-05-09, 20:27
Svar #3

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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 Heartfelt thanks to huggorm and antip! I greatly appreciate all the help. There are apparently admittance papers (Handlingar till rulla över spädda och äldre barn) available for Allmänna Barnhus at the Stockholm City archive (where I found this record). Possibly there might be an admittance record available for her. Either way I have found out much on her already do you your help. Many, many thanks!

2019-05-10, 07:38
Svar #4

Utloggad Maud Svensson

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4 Nov. 1810 – ympad*

Uppfostras af
Sockerbruks Drängen Sund-
gren på Falkenbergs Gatan
No 45 Qv** Timmerman (Katarina parish). Rec. af m.***

Stat Torparen Erik Andersson
i Hilleshög By – Hilleshög Socken (Uppland province, Stockholm county)
Rec. af m.

Timmermans Hustrun Catharina Eklund, Kammakar
Gatan No 5 Qv Vingrån (Adolf Fredrik parish) – Rec af m
Falkenbergs Gatan 8 Timmerman
Kammakar Gatan 5 Vingrån

* ympad = vaccinated against smallpox
* * Qvarter (kvarter) = block
* * * Rec. af m. = recommended by the mother

Please note:
Before 1832 houses in Stockholm had no address numbers and no number signs. You had to give your address like this: ”I live at Köpmangatan, in the house with the first tobacco shop on the left side from the square.” 
No 45 Qv Timmerman: Timmermannen is the name of the block, 45 is the number of the ground/site/lot with one or several houses. You need the block-name and the number to find a person in the household records.

Johanna Sophia Dahlberg was returned to Allmänna barnhuset in March 1816. Four months later she got a new fosterhome in Ljustorp parish, Medelpad province, Västernorrland county – maybe you have seen this:

Have you found Johanna Sophia’s birth record? And her mother Ulrika Dahlberg?
Hälsar vänligen

2019-05-10, 14:04
Svar #5

Utloggad Anti Poika

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A wonderful clarification, Maud!
Mvh Anti

2019-05-10, 16:26
Svar #6

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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Thank you so very much Maud for your clarification and also for the additional documentation which I had not previously seen. I have not been able to locate either Johanna Sofia’s birth record or her mother.

2019-05-13, 18:59
Svar #7

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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I have a few questions regarding the second record for Johanna Sofia Dahlberg at Allmänna Barnhus
can anyone tell me what the n. 38 in front of her mother Ulrica Dahlberg's name stands for? It is also at the bottom of the page on her first record. Under her mother's name there appears to be something written about a Bonden Erik (Larson?) from Haverö (Medelpads). After that it appears to read Ljustorp Socken W.N. (Västernorrlands?) län then something about Torparen Jon Jonsson (this is the family I find her living with in Ljustorp AI:3 page 56. And at the bottom of the page there is the date 1824 Nov with some notes written I cannot make out.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I am seeking any clues to help me find out more about her and her mother Ulrica Dahlberg. I have yet to locate either her birth record, or her mother.

2019-05-13, 19:25
Svar #8

Utloggad Anti Poika

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Hi again Bradley,

No 38 has to be some kind of reference to Barnhuset as above. I have not studied their books.

Raised by the peasant Erik Persson in Hamre,
Ljustorps parish. Wästernorrlands Län
Received (emottagen) by the crofter Jon Jonsson in Edsta, the same (samma) parish ??? Län

Remains to be translated: the last row.
Mvh Anti

2019-05-13, 19:29
Svar #9

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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Thanks again Anti! Johanna sure got passed around a lot.

2019-05-13, 22:09
Svar #10

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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With your help I located her on Ljustorp AI 3 pg 117 with Eric Phersson at Hamre. She is located on seven different pages in this record; page 117 (with Eric Phersson), page 56 (with Jon Jonsson of Edstad), and pages 51, 52, 59, 63 and 192. I am not able to figure out the last location. On page 190 it appears to be a section of the record for "Srastegårdens Sjenstefolk"? What or where is that?

2019-05-13, 22:16
Svar #11

Utloggad Anti Poika

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Prästegårdens Tjenstefolk = prästgårdens tjänstefolk
The servants where the priest lived.
The vicarage's servants.

tjänstefolk = pigor (Pig.), maids and drängar (Dr.)
I am not so familiar with the correct translation of 'drängar'.

Phersson sounds American. The Swedish spelling is Persson, or in older times Pehrsson.
Mvh Anti

2019-05-13, 22:20
Svar #12

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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So she (and the others listed) were working for or serving the clergy? It appears that she did this for the year 1830. Thanks!

2019-05-14, 00:05
Svar #13

Utloggad Kristina Gunnarsdotter

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