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Författare Ämne: Gunne Svenson born 18/4/1838 in Markaryd, Kronoberg  (läst 1893 gånger)

2016-05-14, 07:46
läst 1893 gånger

Utloggad Linda Horosko

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  • Antal inlägg: 39
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-07, 16:38
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My great-great grandfather was born in Markaryd in 1838, moved to Hällesjö, Jämtland, Sweden where he married Elizabeth Catarina Persdotter in 1871.  Several of his children moved to Canada including my great-grand mother Hilda Kristina.  I do not have the name of his parents or the village of his birth.  It would appear that all the records for 1838 are no longer available (I am on  Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might track down his parents?

Thanks for the help.

Regards, Linda from Canada

2016-05-14, 10:12
Svar #1

Utloggad Lars Unger

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There might be a possibility to search for him in the census registers for Häradsskrivaren i Sunnerbo fögderi from year 1853 up to 1865 in Markaryd parish. But unfortunately it is a rather large job to go through them, and there is no certainty that the children are mentioned in the margin to the right of the estate owner/the father.

Sorry to say that is not a possibility for me to help you there but perhaps another person, who likes a challenge might pick up the gauntlet.


2016-05-14, 16:48
Svar #2

Utloggad Lars-Ola Stare

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Hejsan Linda

In 1865 there is a Gunne Svensson who moved from Hannabad in Markaryd parish. This might be your guy.
sourse: Markaryd BI:1 (1861-1881) Bild 39 (AID: v30464.b39, NAD: SE/VALA/00245)

In the 1871-76 census: there is a Johanna Johansdotter (remarried) who has a son Nils Svensson.
source: Markaryd AI:9 (1871-1876) Bild 166 / sid 156 (AID: v19087.b166.s156, NAD: SE/VALA/00245)

This Johanna was previously married to Sven Persson,
source: Markaryd AI:8 (1833-1837) Bild 220 / sid 209 (AID: v19086.b220.s209, NAD: SE/VALA/00245)

Sven Persson died in 1842, and according to the estate inventory he left two sons, Gustaf 4 years, and Nils 2 years old.
source: Sunnerbo häradsrätt FII:38 (1842-1843) Bild 184 / sid 363 (AID: v76243.b184.s363, NAD: SE/VALA/01582)

Possible the name of the first son is wrong, but this has to be verified before it can be concluded that it is the correct family.

Regards, Lars-Ola, Linköping

2016-05-14, 17:22
Svar #3

Utloggad Harald Nordius

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Yes it's that Gunne Svensson, He moved from Markaryd to the village Höglunda in Stugun where his move is recorded on November 30, 1865. That fits with the banns recorded in Hällesjö.

2016-05-15, 00:09
Svar #4

Utloggad Linda Horosko

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Thanks to all.  This is really helpful.

Regards, Linda from Canada

2016-05-15, 04:53
Svar #5

Utloggad Linda Horosko

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Gunne's first son was named Sven Petter - does that help with guessing his parent's names?

Regards, Linda from Canada

2016-05-23, 16:56
Svar #6

Utloggad Stefan Gelow

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Just want to mention that the problems you are having with Ancestry is because the normal records for Markaryd simply aren´t available (by any means) for those years because of fires and the like, so it's always a problem when dealing with Markaryd.

Anyway, I think I have found the family in question.

Looking in the SCB records for 1860, the G Svensson mentioned by Lars-Ola, born 1838, can be found [Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) - samlingspost, Primärmaterial, utdrag ur husförhörslängderna, SE/RA/420401/03/H 1 A/42 (1860), bildid: A0056049_00444] however there is another G Svensson in Hannabad on the next page A0056049_00445 who seems more likely, in the following family:
G Svensdotter [noted as widow], torpare at Pehrsbacken born 1811; A Svensdotter born 1833, J Svensdotter born 1835 and G Svensson born 1838.

The family can be found in Pehrsbacken under Hannabad Hulegård in 1833-1837 [Markaryd (G) AI:8 (1833-1837) bild 228 / sid 217 (AID: v19086.b228.s217, NAD: SE/VALA/00245)]
Swen Gunnesson [changed from Gunnarson] born 1800-03-05; Wife Gustafwa Swensdotter born 1811-07-22; Daughter Anna born 1833; Daughter Johanna born 1835-02-11.

The husband of Gustawa apparently dies in 1841-07-13 [Sunnerbo häradsrätt (G) FII:38 (1842-1843) bild 122 / sid 239 (AID: v76243.b122.s239, NAD: SE/VALA/01582)]. Likely in Pehrsbacken but the estate only says "under Hannabad Hulegård". He is said to have left his wife Gustawa Swensdotter and three children, namely daughters Anna, 9 years of age, Johanna, 7 and son Gunne, 3. Another thing to note [when going further back] is that one of the custodians [uncertain if that is the correct term] is Jonas Gunnesson in Norra Ösjö[?] of Hishult county in Halland, so it seems far from unlikely the father of Gunne might have some connection to Hishult.

Later in 1871, the family can be found in Hannabad Westregård [on the page for Pehrsbacken, the widow is said to be owner and living in Hannabad Westregård] [Markaryd (G) AI:9 (1871-1876) bild 194 / sid 184 (AID: v19087.b194.s184, NAD: SE/VALA/00245)]. Gustawa is noted to have been born in Markaryd 1811-07-22, becoming a widow 1841-07-13 and dying 1876-08-07. Both her daughters are still there, but Gunne is not, so it seems likely he can be the one noted to have left Markaryd in 1865.

I haven´t really checked if there is another Gunne Svensson that could be the one moving in 1865, so I leave that as an excercise, but I'd say it's likely this is the right person and therefore the right parents (which of course is the next thing to work on...).

Regards, Stefan, Järfälla

2016-05-23, 20:44
Svar #7

Utloggad Linda Horosko

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-07, 16:38
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Hej Stefan

Thanks for the information.  I think you are correct in your research.  Gunne's second son and first daughter had middle names of Gustaf and Gustava - which would make sense with the mother's name in the family you found.

Kindest regards,
Linda from Canada

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