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Innehållet i inläggen på Anbytarforum omfattas inte av utgivningsbeviset för

Författare Ämne: Rules and Regulations of Anbytarforum  (läst 58190 gånger)

2016-04-08, 15:48
läst 58190 gånger

Utloggad Admin C

  • Administrator *****
  • Antal inlägg: 70
  • Senast inloggad: 2022-01-09, 10:45
    • Visa profil
What am I allowed to write?

  • The topic of Anbytarforum is genealogy.
  • The purpose of your messages in the forum shall always be exchange of thoughts, ideas and information among genealogists. The messages must not contain any advertisements, calls or propaganda.
  • You may only post information or data about deceased persons. Avoid posting information that can violate living persons. Do not post other people's e-mail addresses or contact information.
  • The preferred language is Swedish, but Norwegian, Danish and English may also be used in the discussions.
  • Always write your answer in Anbytarforum. However, if the information is sensitive or extensive, a contact through private e-mail is preferred.
  • Do not post the same message under several topics. Minimize the number of posts and try to keep each post short. Never post the same message or refer to an earlier message several times.
  • You are responsible for your messages and you cannot request deletion or changes of a message afterwards (See addition in the Privacy Policy section 7 "The right to be forgotten" GDPR 2018-05-25).
  • Always give source references, both then you are asking and replying to questions.
  • Do not write whole words or sentences with capital letters in the messages.
  • Keep a nice and polite tone in your contacts with other users of the forum. Personal attacks are not allowed!
  • There is a host of Anbytarforum and several moderators offering to give help to the users. They can answer questions and give tips and advices, move messages and so on.
Personal responsible for your account and profile

  • -Your profile have to be updated with your correct first- and surname and e-mail address. Accounts with incorrect information can temporarily be closed until the user has given the correct information. Your personal data in the profile must be correct and you may not delete them after your account has been approved. (See addition in the Privacy Policy section 7 "The right to be forgotten" GDPR 2018-05-25). The profile must not contain any offensive material or advertisements.
  • Your account can be closed if you do not follow these rules, violate any copyright or behave delinquent or disagreeable in the forum. Warnings will be distributed by the host or moderators of Anbytarforum or Förbundsforum.

Innehållet i inläggen på Anbytarforum omfattas inte av utgivningsbeviset för



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