Innehållet i inläggen på Anbytarforum omfattas inte av utgivningsbeviset för
- Antal inlägg:
- 46 (0.008 per dag)
- Forskar i socknar (Parishes you research):
- Dalskog, Ljung
- Forskar i släkter (Surnames you research):
- Hogman, Peterson, Johnson, Olsson, Ward, Solomonson
- Övrig forskning (Other research):
- I am developing a photo history of mine and my wife's ancestors. I currently have collected several hundred that show them and some of their former possessions that are representative symbols of their lives. The the two oldest photos are from 1869.
- Datorprogram för släktforskning:
- Family Tree Maker
- Övrigt (Other):
- I've contributed to the USGenWeb-Pocahontas Co, IA about my ancestors who were Swedish immigrants in the late 1860s.
- Registreringsdatum:
- 2009-05-21, 11:00
- Språk:
- Swedish
- Senast aktiv:
- 2010-06-27, 22:06