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Meddelanden - Joan Bracken

Sidor: [1]
Hishult / Hishult
« skrivet: 2014-08-17, 23:27 »
Thank you very much Roy, Anders & Per.  I could not work out why there were two Johannes Svensson's born
with the same birth date and the same parents.  I knew that 'my' Johannes emigrated to New Zealand to
live, and that he married, had a family, and died there.   I also now know that his brother Hans Peter
also emigrated there, thanks to all the hard work you have all done for me.  I would never have been able to
find this all out for myself.  
I very much appreciate all the work you have all done for me.  It is hard when you live on the other side of
the world, to find out all these things.

Hishult / Hishult
« skrivet: 2014-08-12, 23:28 »
Hello Anders,
My John born 23/5/1854, moved to New Zealand to live.  I am led to believe his parents were Sven Hansson
and Anna Lisa Jonsdotter, can you tell me if this is correct.  
Thank you so much for all your help.
Regards  Joan

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2014-08-12, 23:21 »
Thank you Jan, I will definately try Hishult, Halland site.

Hishult / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 augusti, 2014
« skrivet: 2014-08-11, 23:39 »
I am trying to find out about Johannes Svensson born 23rd May, 1854.
I believe his parents were Sven Hansson born 26 March 1820 and Anna Lisa
I would like information about his siblings.
Sincerely  Jodaw44

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2014-08-11, 00:16 »
I am trying to find information about Johannes Svensson born 23rd May 1854 in Hishult, Halland.
Also any information about siblings.
I think his parents were Sven Hansson born 26/3/1820 and Anna Lisa Johansdotter.
Regards Joan

Piteå / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 14 augusti, 2011
« skrivet: 2011-08-14, 07:14 »
I am trying to find out about parents of Sofia Botilda Ekelund who
was born 4.3.1824 in Pitea Lappmark.
I would appreciate any information.
Joan Bracken}}

Bayern / Bayern - Franken
« skrivet: 2011-06-12, 02:01 »
I am trying to find out information regarding Therese Hiller and her parents.
She was born in Neubeuern about 1882.
Her father was Georg and her mother Victoria.  It was Georg's 2nd marriage.
I would appreciate any information.
Best regards

Hello Stig-Lennart,
Thank you, any information about Sofia or Sophia Botilda is very welcome.

Hello Ulf,
Sofia Ekelund was my g g grandmother.  She married Erik Persson
in 1850 in Norway.
She died in 1861 in Ostervallskog.
The information I have says she was born 3.4.1861 in Pitea Lappmark.
Many thanks,

I am trying to get information about Sofia Borilda Ekelund
born Pitea 1824.
I would like to know exact date of birth and also details of
her parents.
Many regards

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2011-05-26, 07:31 »
Thank you Kent for all your help.

Ekelund / Ekelund
« skrivet: 2011-05-26, 05:06 »
I am trying to find information regarding the parents of Sofia
Borilda Ekelund who was born 1824 in Pitea Lappmark.
She was married to Erik Persson and had a daughter Christina
born 30.6.1859.  I know Sofia died 4.3.1861.
Any information you may have would be most grateful for.

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2011-05-26, 04:37 »
Many thanks Niklas & Solveig.
Yes that is Erik Persson.
I will try Norbotten/Pitea.
Solveig,  Thank you so much for your  
information, I would be most grateful is
you could find out anything about Sofia
for me.
Thank you both for your help.
Regards  Joan
(Meddelandet ändrat av jodaw44 2011-05-26 05:19)

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2011-05-25, 05:27 »
I am searching for information about Sofia Borilda Ekelund born
1824 in Pitea Lappmark Sweden.
She was married to Erik Persson and I know she died 1861.  I
would like to know about her parents.
Regards Joan}

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2011-04-30, 02:27 »
I am trying to find information regarding the parents of Erik Persson born 1816  
in Ostervallskog.  The father was Per Olofsson and the mother Marit Ersdotter.
Many thanks.
Joan Bracken

Östervallskog / Östervallskog
« skrivet: 2005-05-08, 08:21 »
Hi I am looking for information on parents, birthdates anything at all would be a great help.
John Svenson born 23/5/1854 in Hishult Halland and his wife Christina Person born 30/6/1859
in Ostervallskog Varmland.. I have no information at all on their parents. Any help would be much appreciated.
Joan Bracken

Hishult / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-05-09
« skrivet: 2005-05-07, 09:04 »
Hi I am looking for information on parents, birthdates anything at all would be a great help.
John Svenson born 23/5/1854 in Hishult Halland and his wife Christina Person born 30/6/1859
in Ostervallskog Varmland..  I have no information at all on their parents.  Any help would be much appreciated.
 Joan Bracken

Sidor: [1]