NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-09-21


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2004-09-21
Skrivet av: Donna Johnson skrivet 2004-08-09, 03:51
Hello. I am looking for early soldier information on:
Daniel Roos/Ros: May 14, 1774 - March 7, 1833.
I have received some data from 1807 - 1827 when he retired & received a pension. This data was from Soldatakt & AKT/Torp nr. ÄR-00-0220-1806 from Anna-Carin Betzen. Here are a few excerpts that were included.
KM 1807-01-14 i Borås stad: Roten ersatt den 30 april 1806 med Daniel Roos, skaraborgare, 32 år, 8/12/tjänsteår.5 fot och 9 tum = 172 cm lång, ogift. Not: Kommenderad (Delar av Regementet var kommenderat till Tyskland).
all of the data states that he was a  skaraborgare. I am trying to find out WHERE he was born at & have not found out as yet.
According to a note from the book Marks Kompanis indelta soldater, Kungl Ålvsborgs Regemente (1997 by Karl Engsrtöm), it stated the following:
Daniel Ros....(File 220 Håkanskila Skattegården in Sätila parish) Daniel Roos served for that file from 1806-04-03 to 1827-08-29 (i Sätila).  
Before that he had served 12 years in the fleet of the army at the Gothenborg Squadron. He had served in the militay campaigns of 1805, 1806, 1807, 1809, 1813 & 1814. ......
He was born ca. 1774 in the county of Skaraborg.  
So, now I am trying to find information on Daniel from when he served in the Gothenborg Squadron. If anyone could help me find his early military data & hopefully where he was born, I would be so very happy! :-)  
Thank you so much for any help!
Donna Johnson