NULL Skriv ut sidan - Hulda Sofia Swansons födelseort i Sverige?


Titel: Hulda Sofia Swansons födelseort i Sverige?
Skrivet av: Ingvor Sabina Le John skrivet 2009-03-26, 23:39
Hello Ingvor!   I think what I have written to you about Albert, my dad, is confusing.  My dad, Albert, who was living in California at the time, wrote home to his mother, Sofi, who was living in Oakland, Nebraska USA (my dad's father had died) . my dad said, that he had received a letter from his mother that she was moving from one house to another house in the same town, Oakland, Nebraska. (It was her choice to move - my dad was just commenting about it in a letter to his mother.)  Sorry for the confusion.
This might help - my dad's parents had 5 children - all born in the USA.  
Andrew, Vera, Lillian, Mabel and Albert.  I can scan the picture of Alfred, my morfars brother, and send it to you.