NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-01-28


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-01-28
Skrivet av: Karl Fryklind skrivet 2005-10-11, 05:15
Hej Jan Lilliesköld!
I hope you read English.  I write too slow in Swedish, but I can read it hjälpligt med en ordbok.
I am replying to two of your questions.  
First, I think Kronodelen is near (or part of) W Glänne.  As it appears in Hfl. Ai 9 page 129 (Genline GID 480.21.111600).
Second, regarding your question about Bryngel Håkansson d. 1726.  My  FF FF MF FF is Matthes Bryngelsson f. September 04, 1687 i Lene. I believe, but I am not certain, that Bryngel Håkansson is his father.  I have looked at Mantelslängder for Bryngel Håkansson and found him in Lene many years but found no real evidence of who his children were. I have read questions on this forum that suggest he was either married three times or there was more than one Bryngel Håkansson.  I have also written to the Värmlands Arkiv for a record of his estate but there is none.  (here is the e-post response from the arkiv: Jag har letat i vår bouppteckningsregister men har inte funnit Bryngel Håkansson. Det finns inte så många bouppteckningar från 1700-talets första del.)
If you find out anything about Bryngel Håkansson, I would like to know.  I will post anything I find.
Mvh Karl Fryklind
Fremont, Nebraska, USA