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Titel: SV: Help translating and understanding columns from mantals
Skrivet av: Hans Högman skrivet 2022-01-17, 12:41
George, “löst folk” or “lösdrivare” (i.e. vagrants) were usually homeless but the term really implies that they were unemployed.
Being unemployed was considered a crime and implied immediate punishment in the form of penal servitude. This statute was instituted in 1664 and was practiced until 1926 except for some revisions. Thus, it was a crime to be poor and drift about (vagrancy), i.e. to be unemployed.
You were then considered defenseless (försvarslös) and could be sentenced to penal servitude (straffarbete) in a house of correction. The 1885 vagrancy law decriminalized vagrancy (lösdriveri), and vagrants could instead be sentenced to forced labor (tvångsarbete), which society now regarded as a treatment rather than a punishment. You were then defenseless and could be taken out for forced labor or active military service.
Under the 1885 Act, vagrancy meant "failure to make an honest living" and included those who were "roaming about the country". A vagrant was "a person who has no permanent abode, permanent employment, means of livelihood, and who moves from place to place, supporting himself by casual labor, begging and similar, tramp, vagabond, hobo". Under the 1885 Act, vagrants could be sentenced to forced labor. /Hans