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Titel: Translation and Information
Skrivet av: David Arvidson skrivet 2021-07-06, 00:01
I am working to track down information about the children of Kristina Lovisa Westlund.  She had a number of children and the records do not show the names of their fathers.

The first son, Olof Emanuel, appears to be a sailor.  I can pretend to understand Swedish, but I do not.  I think the text mentions that he was a sailor that worked out of Gävle and that he might have been engaged to a Norwegian woman named Berta Mikkelsen from Furnas.

Below the text in regards to Olof there seems to be mention about the father of Ellen Hildegard.

Then below that seems to be some text about Olof marrying a woman with the surname of Ruberg.

Below that there is some text about Erik Svenson and it might be in regards to Ulla Margareta who might be the daughter of Ellen Hildegard.

Can you take a look at the page and let me know what the text means and to which people it probably applies?   I have seen on other sites where people believe that Ellen's father is Karl Larsson.

Thank you.