NULL Skriv ut sidan - 1755 household inventory


Titel: 1755 household inventory
Skrivet av: Scott Johnson skrivet 2020-12-01, 01:36
I'm new to posting — I hope two in a week is OK. The handwriting is easier to read on this one. I have a few words I cannot decipher, but mainly I have a question about what the text actually means.

Here is my reading of the text (? = letters in indecipherable words):

Åhr 1755 d: 13 Februarii uptecknades yrarlaten? stapen? estter?
MIN? afledne man Jon Rafvelsson i Kierret, uti närvaro
af dess ock? MINA? Barn tillsammans dottren, Britta Jons
dotter med dess man Sven Nilsson i Ingelstorp, sonen Anders
Jonsson ock ogifta dotren Maria Jons dotter, samt å Marias
vägnar som förmyndare til städes MIN? son af förra
giftet Johan Biurvall i Lerdala, äfven voro? de öv-
riga MINA? Barn af förra giftet till städes
, mayar-
en nämndemannen Erick Helgesson i ivrig? samt
Soldaten Anders Moberg med sin hustru Estrin Jons
dotter ock Sven Andersson i Ingelstorp.

The words I typed in all caps sure look like "min" and "mina" but make no sense to me in the context of a bouppteckning preamble.

So, I need some help on the transcription, but I also have a question about the bold text:

It reads to me as if Maria was present at the inventory, but there was an additional person (Biurvall) representing Maria's interest regarding a child from a previous marriage, and another person (Helgeson) representing the remaining children of a previous marriage. But as long as Maria is alive, her children should not be heirs to the estate, so why would they need representation? I am obviously missing something here.

Thanks for your help.  SJ