NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need help with 1701 and 1702 tax records


Titel: SV: Need help with 1701 and 1702 tax records
Skrivet av: Victoria Cihla skrivet 2020-11-29, 00:31
Hi again Yvonne,

My goal is to see if I can determine for certain whether Jon Nannesson (vs. Persson) in Södergárden Vigássa is the father of Kiersten Johnsdotter (wife of Jöran Jonsson) and her siblings listed on the Sunnerbo dombok court records from 1718 and 1720 (which mentions a document from 1710).  (Lars-Ola now thinks that it is more likely to be Jon Nannesson since Jon Persson had a son Olaf, a son who is not listed among the siblings of my ancestor.  I think he is correct and I'm hoping I can find a solid connection to Jon Nannesson.  I am somewhat puzzled, though, that I don't find the name Nanne in the line anywhere.

In looking at the documents that Lars Ola sent, I'm trying to understand what they exactly are telling me.  In the following reference:

It says on page 45:
Samma dagh Präsenterades i Retten fyra med wittnen ratifice-   104 rade Kiöpebref, det enna af d 16 January 1685 uthgifwit och Dito underskrefwit af Magnus Jönßon Bruun, uppå een halfJordafierding uthi Sördragården Wiggåsa, som han till Joen Nanna-son och hans hustro Karin Johansdotter för 15 dl.r för

which I think, along with telling me his wife's name is Karins Johnsdotter, also is telling when he bought that property at Södergárden Vigássa (16 Jan 1685).  Am I correct in this assumption?

If further says, on page 46, the following:

Än dito Jöns Swenßons i Miäla och Elin Jonsdotters kiöpebref uppå deß andehlar uthi dito gård, som dhe
till Joen Nannaßon för Tolff dal.r föryttrat hafwa; förden-skull, såsom deßa kiöp äro frywilleligen giorda, betalningen
richtigt påfolgt, sampt jordalotter i Södregården Wiggåsa sälliare och deras arfwingar, och tillägnas Joen Nannasson,
hans hustru Karin Johansdotter och arfwingar etc

which I don't quite understand except that it relates to property for the benefit of his wife and heirs who are not mentioned by name.  I also am unclear about the date of this - is it from 1696?  From the first court records Lars-Ola sent from 1718 and 1720, Kiersten Johnsdotter and her siblings each sold their shares of Södergárden Vigássa to their brother Nils Jonsson.   So I wondered if this relates to what was written on page 46?   Was this Jon Nannesson making some provision for his wife and children?  As I had difficulty translating, this may be a wrong assumption I realize.

The tax record for 1687 in Södergárden Vigássa was the first I saw mention of Jon and wife.  I continued to see them listed until 1695.  In 1693 I see them listed with a son Per (unmarried).

In 1701 he is listed as a widower, but it looks like his son Nils (married) in living there.  He is the Nils I believe his siblings sold their shares of Södergárden Vigássa to sometime between 1710-1718.

But, I find the 1702 record confusing.  It still lists a Jon (apparently married) and Nils and wife are still living there.  So I think Jon has left the farming to Nils (his son) in 1701.  It would make sense that he is helping to support his parents in 1702.

It is exciting to learn whatever I can and appreciate very much all the help you and Lars-Ola have given me. 

Should I still be adding more inquiries to the original post or should I be separating my newer questions out under new posts.  I don't want you to feel obligated to respond to every post.  ;D  You have been wonderful and very kind in answering my ongoing questions!!

Thanks again for all your help! 
