NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Anders Johan Johansson m familj


Titel: SV: Anders Johan Johansson m familj
Skrivet av: Kristina Rylander skrivet 2020-11-18, 17:29
Hittar följande tidningsartikel i The Paxton Record (Paxton, Illinois) 31/3 1887:

The sad news of the death of Alfred Johnson, one of Paxton's brightest and best young men, reached his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J .Johnson, on Monday last. He has been ailing for a long time and recently went to Los Angeles, Cal, for the benefit of his health, but without avail. His remains were buried there and his friends will not have even the melancholy satisfaction of visiting his last resting place. His parents feel their loss sadly and hose who knew the deceased will share their sorrow.