NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Need help with words on 1727 tax record in Vrå


Titel: SV: Need help with words on 1727 tax record in Vrå
Skrivet av: Victoria Cihla skrivet 2020-09-12, 23:26

Thanks so much reviewing my very rough translation (a combination of translation software and dictionaries)! 

Dollars! Yes, that was the translator!  I know better!   :)

I wasn't quite sure how to say the "tax books" or "local court sessions" so I have fixed those instances.

Also, I was not able to find any information on Älvsborgs lösens so your explanation was really interesting!   The money was basically used to buy back their castle?

The use of unmarried man vs. farmhand made more sense in the context of the entire sentence since it says that he was unmarried but was listed the following year with a wife.

The stag and hen parties!  I might have realized that is what it meant but I wasn't able to find it.

And, corset!  I would have never figured that out!

I have a few additional questions:

1)  "Nils ingick i en sexmanna ed 1640 , då den frikände Gudmund i Hjortseryd"  -  is this saying that Nils, as a member of a group of six men who acquitted....?  or does it mean he was part of a jury at a court session?

2)  "Vid ???tinget 1723  var Trotte instämd av länsmannen Petter Hultman, anklagad för slagsmål en söndag i Vrå gästgivaregård. Enligt vittnet Jöns Johansson i Vrå, hade gästgivaren Hammar tagit tag i Trotte och tumult uppstått. Trotte fick böta två gånger tre marker silvermynt."  I'm confused on this one - does it mean that the sheriff Petter H sued Trotte?  and that is why Trotte was fined?  What does "två gånger tre marker silvermynt" - that he was fined twice or that he was fined 2 x an amount?

3) "Besökaren från Lund i Skåhne, Henning Erlandzson, klagade till sin swåger Jöns Hanßon i Wåköön om något arff och hemgift, på sin hustrus Gunnil Jönsdotters wegnar, efter dess fader Jöns Ebbaßon i Skogaryd, påståendes att han det samma måtte mechtig blifwa" - Henning is saying that he should have control over his wife's inheritance??

Thank you again for all of this!  It really broadens my understanding of the time and place!
