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Titel: SV: Help with tax/census headings
Skrivet av: Kalle Birgersson skrivet 2020-06-18, 11:43
You are mostly right. Mantal is an acient way to measure land size, or how much you had to pay taxes for. One mantal was the size that was needed for one extended family. But when time went on and farming techniques improved, that size was large enough for a farmer to split between two children, for example. In the 1800s one mantal was a huge area, and few farms had that much land. So the next line, brukningsdelar, is how much of the mantal each farm had, often 1/4 or 1/8 or something like that. And matlag is familys, or households.
Öfveråriga och af andra orsaker befriade = Over aged and for other reasons freed (from tax)

Utskrifnings manskap = I believe those familys had to provide a soldier for the army in case of war. Should be one in every ten adult men.