NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: translation help with birth record


Titel: SV: translation help with birth record
Skrivet av: Anti Poika skrivet 2020-02-22, 02:24
d. 2 Julij  Eriks Son i Smältaretorpet  Pär. Wittnen  Carl i Ronestad, Swen
skräddare  Larses hustru , Pär i Kiällerhult, Pär And(erssons) hustru i Oppeby.

I have not found Smältaretorpet in the population register between 1690 and 1712, so the family may be listed at a different place. There are some Erics in Odensvi and it is possible to exclude some of them as they are fathers of other children during the same period.