NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Help reading a 1716 letter regarding a prisoner of war


Titel: SV: Help reading a 1716 letter regarding a prisoner of war
Skrivet av: Helen Hancock skrivet 2019-12-20, 20:38
Thank you, Erik!  Your help is greatly appreciated.  This is perhaps one of the most interesting ancestors I have encountered, so I am very grateful to both you and Anti for helping me understand what was written about him.

And yes, I do indeed know about SAOB!  I love it, especially the fritext search, since I can type in the old spelling and find the words. 

And I just used saob to look up the word "esomoftast", which is a new word for me!  And I had also used it to look up troligen, since the modern meaning of troligen ("probably" in English) did not really fit!

I first learned about by listening to Språket, a podcast on Sveriges Radio.  I also listen to Släktband, another very useful podcast.  It had an  episode called “Spåren efter ryska fångar och ukrainska kosacker” on 25 sep 2010, so that was very helpful in understanding more about Ivan.

Another dictionary I use sometimes, especially when reading Bouppteckningar, is SHDD, the Swedish Historical Dictionary Database.
Sometimes I can read only the middle of a word, but not the beginning, and this dictionary lets you search for words even if you know just the middle letters.

Thank you once again!  I am so thrilled and so very thankful to you!