NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Johan Albert Svensson


Titel: SV: Johan Albert Svensson
Skrivet av: Sandra Motin skrivet 2018-03-31, 15:49

Hi Mary,
I can see it's a very long time ago you posted this. I now happend to see it since I'm looking fore some information about Maria Augusta Thollander's father.
Since Esther Karolina is your grandmother, I might have some interesting informaiton for you about your great grandfather :-)
Nils Thollander was an organist (organ player) in Vikingstad, and he was also making string instruments, violoncellos, during his sparetime. I know this, and I'm interested in his history, since I own and play on one of those cellos!!
I hope you get this message.  :)