NULL Skriv ut sidan - Personuppgifter på hemsidor


Titel: Personuppgifter på hemsidor
Skrivet av: Thomas Vikander skrivet 2010-01-19, 20:50
What mapmakers do is create small variances or mistakes when drawing and publishing their work. Should they then come across, say, a tourist business,
that has unethically copied their map which reproduces these mistakes, then the theft is clear.
At Genforum Canada I have previously counselled a distraught researcher to next time consider writing-in some mistakes in the genealogy he is hired to research ---until he receives payment in full, and the cheque cashed and cleared, ---and then send the corrected data.
Of course it goes against my grain to build mistakes into work that I offer for free or is for my own use. But when my work is then ripped and appears unauthorized on some-one's site who may be receiving ad money, or heaven forbid a paysite, then it's time for some serious action. (Over here the pleasant news that a hockey player is coming over to deliver an autograph, changes people's minds. But hey, that's over here.)
Mistakes any one could make would include age at time of death, using a 9 instead of an 8, mixing up numbered months with numbered days from 1 to 12, spelling variations, extra names under group photos.