NULL Skriv ut sidan - Meaning of slag


Titel: Meaning of slag
Skrivet av: Judy Olson Baouab skrivet 2007-02-15, 00:12
Look in the Medical glossary on the SweGGate site.
slag O (among > 60 different meanings, a common one = a blow) medical diagnosis with several uses but always in connection with a sudden and severe medical crisis. Usually specified like hjärtslag (heart stop), slaganfall ((cerebral) stroke). When used as cause of death as slag it probably referred to a cerebral stroke, easily recognizable through paralysis.
When used in the meaning a blow it was often specified, e.g. slagen af åskan (hit by lightning), sparkad af häst (kicked by a horse), ihjälslagen af svärsonen (killed by the son-in-law).  