NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-05-06


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-05-06
Skrivet av: Anna-Carin Betzén skrivet 2006-03-11, 18:04
You may very well be right that it all started with O and then spread throughout the alphabet. Like you say, we'd need to find a linguist to possibly get an answer. SAOB mentions that stort is used för att förstärka l. framhäva substantivet (föremålet för ngns intresse), i sådana uttr. som Konsten med stort K, Musiken med stort M but doesn't quote any examples with dates.
In effect, the diary sentence says ärliga, med ett stort O framför, and putting 'o' before ärliga yields oärliga (dishonest).  If he meant Ärliga rather than oärliga, I think he would've written med ett stort Ä framför.
You said the 'O' possibly could be an 'A', but could it be an 'Ä' as well? If so, that would support Jan's point of view. Also, have you seen indications that the diarist could be a little ironical at times, which I personally think is the case here? IMHO, this would explain why he added the 'O' like he did instead of writing oärliga straight away.