NULL Skriv ut sidan - Scandinavian spoon


Titel: Scandinavian spoon
Skrivet av: Karen Kelsey skrivet 2006-11-21, 23:15
I received a silver spoon when I was a child, but I never knew what story or legend it told about.  At the top of the spoon is a soldier with a tall hat, sword, and a long soldier's coat.  He is climbing into a large hollow tree trunk, and he is being helped by a woman who looks like a peasant.  She is helping this soldier by holding on to a long rope attached to his waist.
   Someone told me that this was about a king who hid in a tree to escape the enemy.  Another person told me that this was a story by Hans Christian Andersen. The stamp on the back of the spoon seems to be three tiny, old houses, like some type of company symbol. Those houses are very small, and embedded into the silver.  Any ideas of what this represents?  I've used the spoon for 45 years without understanding its meaning.