NULL Skriv ut sidan - Parish records and emigration


Titel: Parish records and emigration
Skrivet av: Elisabeth Thorsell skrivet 2006-04-30, 22:54
The Särskilda listan can also be called Förteckning över obefintliga, Löslistan and several other names.  
They started keeping this list in 1865. The persons that were to be listed were those, that were not to be found in the parish and had not taken out the proper testimony to move elsewhere. These persons should be moved from their latest place in the cl. survey to this list, which was to be kept chronologically, at the end of the cl. survey.  
If the whereabouts of a person were found, this should be noted in the list, and the contents of the list were to be carried over to the next volume for the next time period. A person remained on this list until he/she asked for a removal permit or was supposed to be so old, that he no longer was alive.
Lots of people emigrated without their proper papers and thus ended up on the list, and there might be a remark like supposedly in America.