NULL Skriv ut sidan - Household Survey Notations


Titel: Household Survey Notations
Skrivet av: Leif Lundkvist skrivet 2015-06-16, 03:39
How did you found Erik in Hägerstad? Often the old parents lived with one of their children, and sometimes you se them move from one child to another. Brita and Erik lived in Fulmestad in Hägerstad.
Have you seen that there is a section on Wibom on this site? Use the search function. There seems to be a few unrelated Vibom in the 18th and 19th century, and those now living should be decendants to them. Erik seems not to be mentioned on the Wibom page. But there are meny more Vibom's now than in the 18th century.
Eric's marriage record say: 11  September  16  Fogden Eric Wibom från Frössvik med p.(igan) Brita Persdotter i ????torp  8
Fogde is the same as Befallningsman. Pigan is her title and say that she has not been married before. I don't manage to interprete where she comes from, but it ends in torp. The 3 is actually an 8 and is the amount of marriage fee they had to pay to the church. The richer you are, the more you have to pay, so Eric had to pay a lot. The 25 that you see in household survey is probably taken from the row above.
Walla is where they lived in Kättilstad, Kättilstad AI:15 (1856-1860) Bild 242 / sid 229 (AID: v24994.b242.s229, NAD: SE/VALA/00209).