NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 maj, 2006


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 maj, 2006
Skrivet av: Marita Persson skrivet 2004-01-29, 21:05
Hello again Nancy!
I continues with Jans informations.  
Mats Hansson was married to Anna Hansdotter. Her father, Godsven Hansson first mentiones at 1518. Then he was a juryman in a courtsession in Norrbärke. He was also a farmer and a bergsman. I can?t find an english word for bergsman.  
Bertil writes that Brynte Olofsson Silfvertelning died in a seadispatch. Bertil also tells us that Helena Unge was prosecuted for stealing in Göteborg. She had given some of the stolen things to her brother.