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Titel: Cassel
Skrivet av: Hans Sander skrivet 2014-10-04, 06:42
Kanske detta kan vara av intresse för Cassell forskare;  so the 1604 Swedish Riksdag voted through additional taxes for three years to help Charles IX hire 9,000 foreign mercenaries to supplement his Swedish troops. While German mercenaries were the largest group of mercenaries in the Swedish Armies, the strong links between Sweden and Scotland saw thousands of Scots recruited to serve with the Swedes; the likes of James Spens, Samuel Cockburn, Patrick Ruthven and Alexander Leslie played important roles in recruiting Scots to the Swedish Armies, and some, such as Alexander Leslie, would rise to the highest of ranks in the Swedish military. Indeed, the Scottish diaspora in the Baltic was so widespread that thousands of Scots also served in the ranks of the Polish army during the 1600-1611 war. After Charles IX died in 1611, his 16-year-old son Gustavus Adolphus succeeded him and would go on to become one of the most significant figures of the 17th-Century; Scots would continue to serve in the Swedish Army and at the Swedish court during Adolphus' reign and beyond.