NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-02-01


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-02-01
Skrivet av: Ulrica Dahlqvist skrivet 2002-05-21, 07:43
Hi Nancy,
thank you for the information. I have tried DISBYT without any results about that particular person, but to no avail. Perhaps I can find something in the court papers.
About his possible heritage you should be able to trace a testament, if there was any, in the jurisdictional district court papers. They are available on Microfiche.  
I haven't followed Viktor Simonsson after his mother's death. Therefore I am not sure whether he stayed at Märtha's husband or if he moved to his father or paternal grandparents. If you can have some patience with me I will try to look it up on June 8th. I'm afraid I'm busy until then.
I will go to my sister's the weekend after that and then I will send the rest of the information I have on Märhta's side. I am sure I have information at least one more generation back on her side.