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Titel: Alsing
Skrivet av: Carol MacKay skrivet 2002-11-02, 22:23
Alsing, Johan Benedikt,, Löjtnant i Bohus dragonregemente, b. 1691  

I am trying to locate more information about Johan Benedikt Alsing, born 1691 in Bohuslän, son of Sten Alsing, kaptenlöjtnant at Bohusläns kavalleriregemente.  Sten was killed 1712 at the battle of Gadebusch.
His son, Johan Benedkit Alsing, was löjtnant in 1742 of the Bohus dragonregemente.  He was dismissed in 1748. He died in 1763.  According to Adam Lewenhaupt's Karl XII's Officere, Johan Benedikt Alsing was married and had children.  Unfortunately, I do not know in which parishes to base my search for his family.
If anyone can suggest where I might look to find more about Johan Alsing, and his father Sten and other family members, please post here.
Thanks so much!